Azim Premji University has said a dedicated workstation to facilitate research on anonymised raw census data will be set up on its Bengaluru campus. Azim Premji University and the Directorate of Census Operations, Karnataka, signed a memorandum of understanding in this regard on Friday, the university said in a statement. The MoU was signed by Vijay Kumar S B, Director, Directorate of Census Operations, Karnataka, and Indu Prasad, Vice-Chancellor, AzimPremji University. "This facility will be available for all members and students of Azim Premji University and external researchers for academic purposes. The dedicated workstation at the university will provide desktops with analytical software and a printing facility," the statement said. The university said that the researchers may submit their proposal to the Data Centre, Knowledge Resource Centre, Azim Premji University, along with a request for cross-tabulation data.The proposal will be reviewed by a committee that will decide on the access to data. Researchers must work on their proposal from the dedicated facility at the university, it added. "Indian Census, with a history of over 130 years, is the largest single source of statistical information on the various characteristics of the Indian population and has been a key source of data for scholars and researchers across many disciplines," the statement said.

Source-Official website