The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Jammu has completed construction of its new campus in Jagti, spanning 200 acres and built at a cost of Rs. 500.91 crore. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the campus on February 20. Led by Director Prof. B.S. Sahay, the institute aims to provide world-class infrastructure for holistic student development. The new campus features state-of-the-art facilities including smart classrooms and a modern library named "Nalanda." IIM Jammu aims to excel in academic pursuit, innovation, societal impact, and economic development, emerging as a top business school in India with a global outlook and commitment to nation-building. The new campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including smart classrooms and a modern library named "Nalanda," aimed at promoting academic pursuit and innovation. IIM Jammu aims to underscore its commitment to excellence, societal impact, and economic development through the inauguration of the new campus.

Source-Press Trust of India Ltd