The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Thursday said it has changed the examination format for Class 11 and 12 from academic year 2024-25. Under the new format, the CBSE exams will focus on concept application questions instead of long-form answers. There is no change in the exam format for Classes 9 and 10. The move is expected to herald a paradigm shift in the way students approach their studies, moving away from rote memorization towards a more holistic understanding of concepts. It is envisioned to empower students to think creatively, innovate, and develop a deeper appreciation for the subjects they study.Announcing the change in the examination format of Class 11 and 12, CBSE Director (Academics) Joseph Emanuel said, "The board in accordance with National Education Policy, 2020 has taken multiple steps towards implementation of Competency-Based Education in schools, ranging from aligning assessment to competencies, development of exemplar resources for teachers and students as well as continuous capacity building of the teachers etc." 
