When and how did you start your journey as an educator and how many years have you dedicated to education fraternity along with a brief introduction about you

An ex–Commander of the Indian Navy, with more than 25 years of distinguished service in the forces as well as the civil world, it was quite an enriching experience for me.

During that time finding a good school was not easy as a google search. There was an extreme shortage of, and a dire need for, quality institutions in education that could provide inbuilt foundations of learning pedagogies, holistic learning, quality systems, multiple curricula, and emphasis on sports and co–curricular activities. And this is how my journey started and led to the dream-Scottish High International School, which today stands proud as a School which builds personalities not just people.

How would you describe your journey as an educator?

It has been almost 17 years on this journey of committing quality education to our students at Scottish High. Constantly creating an enabling ecosystem for students rewarding it is yes, and at the same time, it has shaped me tremendously. The expression ‘lead by example’ finds true relevance when we see ourselves laying the foundation of the future.

One unique feature about your educational institution that makes it different from the other institutions in the country.

One roof-diverse curriculum, catering to students for all academic flightpaths, Scottish High offers a wide range of curricula under one roof. This helps the school score the highest points as its students benefit from the well-oiled academic plan that carves them as leaders at all levels. Scottish High continues its legacy of commitment to quality and Excellence. This is our cutting- edge, unique feature or USP that best defines us.

Moreover, unwavering commitment to our vision, commitment to the team spirit and commitment to our stakeholders, are the three pillars that make the difference and set us apart from other institutions in the country.

As an educators, how have you influenced your fellow educators and the educations fraternity?

There is one holistic influence that has truly and proudly given us the title ‘the flagbearers’. And it is Inclusive Education.

Scottish High, With its path-breaking initiatives and collaboration with Inclusive India Campaign, the school ensures that each person with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is provided equal opportunity to attain the highest possible quality of life.

Scottish High ensures the inclusiveness of children with intellectual disabilities and endeavours to integrate them into the mainstream.

It also collaborates with the Govt. of India for research in Autism. With its sustained efforts and initiatives, the School today has garnered a lot of support from the national and international community and is recognized as the ESPN Unified Champion School of Special Olympics,

If as an education influencer given a chance to be the change and see the change in the field of education, what would you like the change to be and how?

Some people hope for ‘Change’ and there are some who make it happen. I am proud to say that me and my team strive to be the catalysts who fearlessly battle ‘clichés’ to bring a revolution of ‘Change’ in the society. For me, education is certainly not limited to school but how it shapes the students thereafter. Our contribution to education speak of the bilateral change we would like to envisage in the country.

As an influential educator how would you encourage developing leadership capacity amongst your fellow colleagues?

Scottish High employs a system of empowerment where our teachers and staff members have been moving ahead as leaders in
different streams and sections as we constantly equip them with modern educational requirements and pedagogies. It provides the edge to mentor students with a global, holistic perspective.

As an educator how have you influenced the society ?

Right from the start, our vision is to move towards a system of education that is extensively founded on the merits of quality and holistic standards. This is how we have collectively impacted the scholastic field and the society as a whole.

What is your take about the present day educational system in our country?

Today a growing sense of literacy and good education has taken the forefront of the educational spectrum. Drifting away from the conventional school of thought, the education system has come of age within a few years. The requirements have changed on all counts. Today, education spells out even more challenging fronts for students. At Scottish High, we believe that education is the means
towards acquainting the students to their selective stream of aspirations, contrary to the present-day educational system, that calls for complete reconditioning and recalibrating the existing arrangement so that the students can ride on a more promising wave in accomplishing their dreams.

A message you’d like to give to the upcoming professionals in the field of education with regard to the leadership qualities they must possess

Leadership is very much hands-on. One has to keep evolving. Aspiring professionals must understand the governing principle that true leadership leaves no one behind. You are only as strong as your team! And true leadership anchors on the strength and substance of care, collaboration and co-existence.

How does it feel when your team looks up as an influencer and what message would you like to give them?

Leading a team of professionals cut across various fields, I have to constantly evolve- to inspire and influence them further. It feels truly rewarding when your team looks up to you as a mentor and leader.

I strive to develop in my team- to spur the spirit of collaboration in them and encourage them to harness their strength and work on their weak points.