Mr. Bharat Bhushan Gupta is a renowned name in the field of education. With his meticulous efforts and diligent hard work, he could frame ideologies which have today shaped the very culture of Bal Bhavan Group of schools. Working at a post of Director, he has ensured that the principles of 'Goodness before Greatness' are truly harnessed in modern day learner and equity is ensured in teaching practices and education at school.
I was officially introduced to teaching as a career on April 1, 1983, when I realized the intense essence and relevance of this profession, the dedication and perseverance it demands, so I pledged to myself that each day, I will contribute something unique to learning that would help me grow and simultaneously contribute to the growth of my students and via them the society. This not only boosted my morale to work with more dedication, but also made me learn a lot. I vowed to strive hard in developing my students in all respects to be acknowledged by their name and fame at national level.
When I joined Lagan Kala Upvan, under which Bal Bhavan blooms, I aimed to give best of my time and space to establish and flourish it to the best of my possibilities. In my tenure of 40 years of teaching, I worked to figure out strategies and policies which could bring about positive changes in education. I was determined at following the light paved by my father -his ideologies of “Goodness before Greatness”. When I look up to my father's efforts and determination, I believe that I have still lot more to achieve and strive for.
One unique feature about your educational institution that makes it different from the other institutions in the country?
Bal Bhavan is not just an educational institution, it's a family, where children are taught and nurtured beyond subjective knowledge. They are taken up like family members, who are groomed with values and morality. At Bal Bhavan Humanity is fostered in young mind. The very motto of 'Goodness before greatness” is thoroughly imbibed in students. The school faculty, caters to child's needs and understanding and individual attention is given to each child, so as to make child comfortable in sharing his problems. The school has been recognized with several parent's choice awards concerning this aspect and quality of school.
If as an education influencer given a chance to be the change & see the change in the field of education, what would you like the change to be and how?
I feel that education sector has now developed significantly in comparison to the earlier times, when I had to make efforts to guide teachers, and rigorously trained them to realize their role and responsibility as mentors. At that time I really wondered for some change that could reform the Indian Education system. Undertaking regular meetings with my school staff and being a strict coach to them, not compromising anything against quality education was ways I adopted to ensure that education at school is justified. Today It delights me to see that we have a Ministry of Education, which is now making efforts for constant teachers' training sessions, which I think is to be kept at priority for the development of Education. I am glad we have NEP 2020 as a National Education Policy.
As an Influential Educator how would you encourage developing leadership capacity amongst your fellow colleagues?
A leader can only lead, when his ideas and principles are fruitful and thus respected and valued by his fellow colleagues. I guide my educators to be significant in determining factors which could help others grow and gain along with you. I guide them to be a companion of others rather be a commander, and that is how one could ensure leading a chain of prolific educators.
As an educator how have you influenced the society?
At Bal Bhavan we aim to reform society by reforming modern day learner. At regular intervals we keep Upgrading policies as per the need of nation and planet. Our school curriculum is designed to ensure that our students be the changemakers. They are able to understand global needs and thus be creative and critical in thinking and finding solutions to future problems through their ideas. In our immediate society we ensure that people are tutored and guided about planet and nation concerns time to time and hence we organize various drives and campaigns to spread awareness.What is your take about the present-day educational system in our country?
As I mentioned earlier, I am all in appreciation about the current education system, as it is comprehensively and diligently formulated to ensure that education system of India is best of its kinds, and caters to the need of modern day learner, so that he is able to stand globally in confronting challenges of present and future times.
How does it feel when your team looks up as an influencer and what message would you like to give them?
I am filled with contentment, if I am being able to influence my fellow educators positively, and keep them motivated and encouraged towards this profession. Whatever and however I am being respected and valued, I believe it all credits to all I have been associated with, my Father, who had been my constant guide till date even after his demise for I take lessons from his life; my fellow teachers and team mates, my family constantly struggling along with me, my children, and every individual I am connected to, as everyone taught me some lesson which helped me frame my ideologies and shape my being.