Over a dozen colleges including Delhi University's prestigious Lady Sri Ram College, Hansraj College and Ramjas College received bomb threats on Thursday but nothing suspicious was found after thorough searches, officials said, a day after a similar e-mail sent alarm bells ringing in the North Block. A Delhi Fire Service (DFS) official said they first received a call at 4.38 pm about the bomb threat at the LSR College and two fire tenders were pressed into service. Later, other colleges also made the call to authorities. The local police, a bomb disposal squad, a bomb detection team arrived at the LSR College along with a dog squad and conducted searches but nothing suspicious was found, the official said. LSR Principal Suman Sharma told PTI the entire campus has been sanitised. "We received the bomb threat e-mail in the afternoon today. Immediately, the police were informed and they sent a bomb (disposal) squad. The search operation went on for two-three hours and the entire campus has been sanitised," Sharma said.
Source-Press Trust of India