Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan will release the admit cards or hall tickets for the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (KTET April 2024) today, June 3. Candidates who have applied for the April 2024 session of the KTET examination can download their admit cards from Candidates can download the KTET admit cards using the application number, application ID and selecting the category. The application deadline for the April examination was April 26 which was later extended to May 2. The examination will be held from June 22 to 23. Exam dates, exam centre details, paper timings and exam centre details will be mentioned on the admit card. Candidates should read all the details and follow the exam day instructions. They should also check and ensure that there is no error in their personal details. KTET or Kerala TET is a state-level eligibility test held to assess the quality of teacher candidates for Lower Primary, Upper Primary and High School classes in Kerala. For further details about the examination, candidates can visit the official website of the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan for KTET-
Source- Biharhelp