The National Testing Agency announced the NEET-2024 results late on Tuesday (June 4) evening, and in a first, three students from Karnataka got the first rank in the all-India level. Kalyan V. of Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Marathahalli, Bengaluru; Sam Shreyas Joseph of Narayana Co-Kaveri, Bhavan, Kasavanahalli, Bengaluru; and Arjun Kishore from Mangaluru secured 720 out 720 marks (99.997129%) in the NEET. Kalyan V. had also secured the top rank in four streams, including B.V.Sc (Veterinary), B-Pharma, Pharma-D and B.Sc Nursing in CET-2024 results, which were announced recently, and he is aiming to join the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi. Sam Shreyas Joseph began his preparation two years ago while he was in Class 11. “I enjoy helping people and contributing to society, which led me to pick the science stream. My father, who is also a doctor, inspired me to pursue this stream. The institute’s materials and online resources helped me a lot with rigorous test schedules. I want to join either AIIMS-Delhi or JIPMER Pondicherry for the MBBS course,” he said.
Source- India TV