As many as 4,811 students from the IIT Bhubaneswar zone qualified in the JEE Advanced exam, the results of which were published by IIT Madras on Sunday. Though nobody from the IIT Bhubaneswar zone secured a place in the Top 10 ranks, Matcha Balaaditya from this zone received an All India Rank of 11. IITs at Dhanbad, Bhilai, Kharagpur, and Bhubaneswar come under the IIT Bhubaneswar zone. The examination was conducted on May 26 in seven zones: IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Bhubaneswar, and IIT Roorkee. The top five candidates from the IIT Bhubaneswar zone were Matcha Balaaditya (AIR 11), Majji Rishi Vardhan (59), Bibaswan Biswas (85), Bhagyansh Sahu (86), and Anish Daruka (109). Biswas from this zone secured rank 1 in the SC category, while Balaaditya secured rank 1 in the OBC category, according to the official statement. Tamanna Kumari, with an AIR of 305, was the female topper from the IIT Bhubaneswar zone. Four students from this zone were among the top 100 ranks, eight among the top 200 ranks, ten among the top 300 ranks, 18 among the top 400 ranks, and 27 among the top 500 ranks.

Source- Hindustantimes