“If a Plant is well nurtured by a gardener, it will grow and bear better fruits in future. We, the Parents, have an identical role of a Gardner. Let’s nurture them to the best of our capabilities.”

Children with Special Needs

They are children with a disability or a combination of disabilities that makes their learning or activities slow or difficult. Mental Retardation, Speech, and Language Impairment, Physical disability like vision and hearing Problems, Cerebral Palsy, and emotional disabilities like antisocial or other behavioral problems are a few examples.

Factors Causing Child Disabilities

These factors include genetics, Parental Health, lifestyle, complications during Pregnancy and Birth, exposure to high levels of environmental toxic conditions, etc.

Parenting Children with Special Needs

Parenting children with special needs can evoke a range of emotions from Joy and love to frustration and exhaustion. Sometimes, Parents are criticized by their own extended family and friends for being unable to manage the behavior of their special child. This frequently results in avoiding attending family and community events.

Tips for Parents

1. Take your child along for everyday activities like Grocery Shopping and banks. It may help them get used to the World around them.

2. Cut your stress. You may often face more stress and anxiety. If left unchecked, you may yourself face breakdowns, disturbed relationships, and psychological disorders.

3. Involve and Engage them. Everything you do involves them. Tell them what you are doing. All of that will stimulate them.

4. Communicate with them. Some children may not be able to speak, but they do communicate through gestures, expressions, etc. You may learn their likes and likes by their smile or upset face.

5. Take Support. Therapies like behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, speech therapy, etc are powerful tools to improve their behavior, social skills, learning abilities, etc. If given the right stimuli, the brain responds and develops better.

  • With Proper Care and education, every child can reach his or her full potential. The more parents understand about how a child grows, the better prepared they will be to recognize their needs and seek help promptly. Children with Special needs require extra attention, teaching, care, and Love!

    Wishing you very Happy, Positive, and Wise Parenting!