Minister of State for External Affairs Kirti Vardhan Singh recently provided detailed information regarding Indian students studying abroad in a written response to queries in the Rajya Sabha. The data highlights a significant trend in the number of Indian students pursuing higher education outside India. According to Singh's response, as of 2024, there are 1,335,878 Indian students enrolled in higher studies across 108 countries.
The report reflects a steady increase in the number of students studying abroad over recent years. In 2023, the number of Indian students abroad was 1,318,955, and in 2022, it was 907,404. This growth underscores the increasing global mobility and the desire among Indian students to pursue educational opportunities in various parts of the world.
Singh's response detailed the distribution of Indian students across different countries. The largest number of Indian students is in Canada, with 427,000 students, followed by the United States with 337,630 students. Other notable destinations include China with 8,580 students, Israel with 900, and Ukraine with 2,510. The data also showed that there are small numbers of Indian students in Greece (8) and Pakistan (14).
Indian Missions and Posts abroad play a crucial role in engaging with Indian students. They encourage students to register either with the missions or on the Global Rishta Portal. These missions organize 'Welcome Ceremonies' for students traveling abroad for the first time, offering briefings on security issues and general advice on living and studying in the host countries. This initiative aims to ensure that students are well-informed and can navigate their new environments more safely.
The Indian Missions and Posts use voluntary registrations to collect data on Indian students abroad. They also work with local authorities in host countries to obtain accurate information about the number of Indian students. This collaboration helps in maintaining up-to-date records and providing necessary support to Indian students.
Additionally, Singh addressed another important aspect of the government's efforts to facilitate international travel for Indian citizens. The Indian government has been actively working to increase the number of countries offering visa-free entry or visa-on-arrival facilities for Indian travelers. This effort is aimed at making international travel more accessible and convenient for Indians, thereby supporting global mobility and fostering better international relations.
The growing number of Indian students studying abroad reflects both the increasing desire for higher education opportunities and the expanding global reach of Indian students. This trend also highlights the importance of continued support and engagement from Indian missions abroad to ensure that students have a safe and successful experience while studying internationally.
In conclusion, the data provided by Minister Kirti Vardhan Singh illustrates the significant number of Indian students pursuing higher education around the world and the government's ongoing efforts to support them. The role of Indian Missions and Posts in maintaining student data and providing support is crucial in ensuring the well-being of Indian students abroad. Furthermore, the government's push for easier international travel reflects a broader commitment to enhancing global connectivity and facilitating international opportunities for Indian citizens.