In a dramatic escalation of the investigation into the deaths of three UPSC aspirants at a coaching centre, the Delhi High Court has mandated a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe. This decision highlights severe concerns about the handling of the case and allegations of potential corruption involving public servants.

The court's order for a CBI investigation comes in response to the tragic deaths of three UPSC aspirants who were found in the basement of a coaching centre under distressing circumstances. The case has raised serious questions about safety standards and accountability within the coaching facility and among local authorities.

To ensure an impartial and thorough investigation, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has been tasked with appointing a senior officer to oversee the CBI’s efforts. This move aims to bolster the transparency and efficacy of the probe, addressing the public's growing concerns about the investigation’s integrity.

In parallel to the High Court's directive, legal proceedings are also unfolding at Delhi's Tis Hazari court. Here, a notice has been issued to the Delhi Police concerning a petition filed by Manuj Kathuria, the SUV driver previously arrested in connection with the case and later granted bail. Kathuria's plea seeks the preservation and production of CCTV footage related to the incident. The court will reconvene on August 7 to review the matter further, underscoring the complexity and high-profile nature of the case.

The Delhi High Court has been vocally critical of the authorities' handling of the investigation. The court scrutinized the role of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), questioning why officials failed to address issues with non-functional storm water drains in the area where the incident occurred. The court's criticism reflects broader concerns about the responsiveness and efficiency of civic bodies in managing and preventing such tragedies.

In a particularly harsh critique, the court condemned the Delhi Police for arresting an innocent bystander while seemingly neglecting the negligence of civic authorities. This comment underscores the court's frustration with the perceived lack of accountability and thoroughness in addressing the root causes of the incident.

The court’s scathing remarks point to a significant dissatisfaction with the overall handling of the case. There are strong calls for accountability and justice, with the bench emphasizing that such incidents should not be treated lightly. The court’s decision to involve the CBI aims to ensure a more rigorous investigation into the circumstances leading to the aspirants' deaths.

As the CBI takes charge of the investigation, there is renewed hope that the agency will uncover the full truth behind this tragic event and hold those responsible to account. The shift to a CBI-led investigation represents a critical step towards addressing public concerns and ensuring that justice is served.

The tragic deaths of the UPSC aspirants have sparked widespread outrage and demands for systemic changes. The involvement of high-profile legal and investigative bodies signals a commitment to resolving the case with the seriousness it deserves. For now, the focus remains on uncovering the facts, ensuring accountability, and preventing similar incidents in the future.

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