Boosting Brainpower: Simple Memory Practices for Students

Exams are around the corner, so students will be spending more time with books or other learning materials. You cannot memorise every topic and it isn't a good idea. However, remembering formulas, historical figures, or periodic table elements is crucial. While no magic wand helps in instant memory boosts, there are simple and effective practices to enhance cognitive abilities. Here are a few quick tips you could follow immediately!

Mindful Breathing Exercise for the Brain

Imagine giving your brain a mini-workout. Do focussed, mindful breathing exercises. The breaths should be deliberate and you shouldn't think of anything else other than your breath. This not only helps reduce stress but also oxygenates the brain, enhancing cognitive function.

Mnemonic Magic

Create interesting acronyms, rhymes or associations of complex pieces of information into the tune of a song or catchy memorable phrases. Suddenly, remembering that list of historical dates becomes as easy as singing your favourite tune.

Active Reading

Reading doesn't have to be passive. Transform it into active engagement by taking notes, highlighting key points, and summarising information. This also helps you fight boredom from long study hours.

Teach to Remember

Take on the role of a teacher and share your knowledge with a friend, family member or even a mirror! Teaching reinforces what you know and enhances recall. It also helps you find where you lack information or clarity.

Chunk It Up

Break down large chunks of information into bite-sized pieces. Our brains love patterns and order, and by organising information into manageable sections, you're giving your memory a framework to hold onto.

The Power of Visualisation:

Visualisation is an effective memory aid. Close your eyes and imagine the details of what you're learning, be creative; it's like creating a mental movie that your brain won't forget. Imagine Einstein and the apple falling near him (the popular anecdote), and from there, Einstein explains the Theory of Relativity like a cartoon. That sounds much better than writing the equation derivation three times and still not remembering it clearly. Right?

Regular Retrieval Practice:

You can boost your memory by testing your knowledge. Regular retrieval practice with flashcards or answering mock question papers reinforces neural pathways, making it easier for your brain to access and retrieve information when you need it the most.

Embrace a Digital Detox:

Take breaks from electronic devices to reduce mental fatigue and improve brain function. By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can embark on a learning journey that's not only effective but also captivating.