NISA protests at CBSE Headquarter demanding justice on Tabulation Policy & safety of teachers – Education News
National Independent Schools Alliance, NISA protests at CBSE Head Quarter yesterday i.e., 18th August to seek justice on tabulation policy and safety of the teachers.
Dr Kulbhushan Sharma, President NISA, said on NISA protests at CBSE “NISA has been flagging the problems to CBSE and submitted many representations as well but we didn’t get any response and finally we decided to meet the Chairman and submit our representation to him to consider the situation and take some initiative to control the non-safety environment against teachers, principals and school owner.
After the CBSE 10th and 12th classes results are announced, many places have reported that the CBSE teachers, principals and school owners were brutally attacked by parents and some politically aligned groups. School owners committed suicide due to the pressure of post results impacts.
CBSE should take complete responsibility for the tabulation policy and it should organize a national level press conference. The reality of the tabulation policy should reach the public as soon as possible to control this non-safety environment against their teachers and school leaders.
We also demand CBSE should have two private school owners as a governing body members in all regional offices from all the state. Right now CBSE has private school members only from Delhi, as a National Board it should have a representative from all over India to understand the concerns of Private Schools.”
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