DU Students take to Twitter demanding Offline Classes – Education News
Delhi University (DU) students, disappointed with the manner in which colleges and departments have shifted to online classes, now want their classes to resume in offline mode as Covid cases are declining.
While several students say that Delhi University colleges and departments should reopen in offline mode as, during the last one year of online classes, the students have not understood anything, many others say that online classes are just for “name-sake and are useless”.
Worried about their future, DU students have taken to Twitter to express their disappointment and urge the university administration to resume classes in offline mode soon.
Students have been using #ReopenDu and making posts on Twitter to make their voices heard. An undergraduate student saying that it is difficult to understand classes online said: “Please reopen the college for fresh undergraduate also.
It’s very difficult to attend online classes. We hardly understand anything online.”
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