Students at Dhanas govt school get smartphones from actor Sonu Sood
Gilhotra distributed the phones to the students, while Sonu Sood joined via a video call to interact with them. In the first phase, 35 students from the school were given the phones.
Arjun, a student of Class IX of Government school Dhanas along with his two brothers had stopped attending school and subsequently dropped out after the online education system was introduced, owing to the fact that he did not have a smartphone. On Monday morning, however, Arjun was called to the school and was handed a smartphone to help him attend classes online.
Following a report by The Indian Express on how students at Government school Dhanas had to choose to drop out as they could not access classes online, Bollywood actor Sonu Sood and Philanthropist Karan Gilhotra gifted smartphones to the students. After the report came out, Sonu Sood tweeted that the needy kids will get phones and won’t have to miss their classes.
Gilhotra distributed the phones to the students, while Sonu Sood joined via a video call to interact with them. In the first phase, 35 students from the school were given the phones.
“I am so happy that children will be able to study now and won’t have to miss their classes. Parents of students here are daily wagers and can’t afford smart phones. I was so shocked to see when I found one student rag picking after dropping out. But now they can study!” said Seema, the school principal.
Bhawna, a student of class XII also got the smart phone. Bhawna was unable to attend classes online. Living with her 80-year-old grandfather, who sells vegetables, she was unable to buy a smartphone all this while, and would manage either getting homework from her friend or would try to study all by herself.
“With the COVID-19 outbreak, this year has been quite challenging for everyone. It is disheartening to see how many children today are unable to attend online classrooms as their families don’t have smartphones. It is my honour to be able to contribute by helping them in such a situation so they can continue learning without having to struggle,” said Sonu Sood on his initiative.
“I always feel humbled in contributing my bit for our city. Students are the future of our nation and difficult situations like these should not block their way from learning and growing. Education is essential and it should never stop and with helping students in need, we continue to support the dreams and aspirations of the students,” said Karan Gilhotra, a city-based philanthropist.
Earlier too, the actor and his friend had helped students from Government school in Koti village in Morni, after a similar report in Express.
Following Morni in Haryana, several requests from Maharashtra, Punjab, Orissa, and Andhra Pradesh came to the actor, where phones were delivered.
Students at Dhanas govt school get smartphones from actor Sonu Sood
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