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Maharashtra board Class 10 SSC exam begins tomorrow MSBSHSE guidelines-Education News

The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) will hold the Class 10 exam for the 2022-23 academic sessions from tomorrow, March 2.

Education News India
Education News India

The Maharashtra board Secondary School Certificate (SSC), or Class 10, exams will begin with the First Language (Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Sindhi, Bengali, Punjabi) and Second or Third Language (German, French) papers tomorrow in two shifts.The Maharashtra board will conduct the Class 10 SSC exams in two shifts. While the first shift will begin at 11 am, the second shift will start at 3 pm. The exams will be held for a duration fo three hours with an additional 10 minutes question paper reading time. The Maha SSC 2023 exams will end with Social Sciences Paper-II: Geography paper on March 25. Maharashtra board Class 10 students will have to reach 30 minutes before the scheduled exam time. Carrying the MSBSHE 10th admit card and the school id card to the exam centre is mandatory. The Maharashtra board this year is taking measures to ensure ‘copy-free exams’. In line with the ‘copy-free exams’ campaign, photocopy shops have been ordered to be closed in a 50-meter radius of the examination centers ahead of Maharashtra Class 10 and 12 board exams. Police presence will also be increased around the examination centers.

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