Toppers United
High quality uniforms Founder: is a team ultra passionateMerchandizers&managers keen on disrupting ( actually making it right) by solving problems in uniform market: quality ,consistency &timely delivery
Benefit to schools:
Well it’s been proved that clothes have direct impact on psychology of wearers , we own technical knowledge of clothing , we make best fits, styles & use most appropriate fabrics after lab testing them for kids. We have tie ups with top two mills in the country so delivery & consistency is not a problem for us, so s hold don’t have to worry about students wearing 100 shades of blue in school. We use Pantone standards !
Our enriched collection of sustainable &oyotec certified fabrics are certified safe for kids&environment .
What made us …?
Well shabby &shoddy uniforms worn by kids drove us to bring these uniforms to India & Dubai now too!
Uniqueness :
Only uniform company run&owjed by Merchandizers &technocrats! A dedicated design team is also a point that makes us feel proud.
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