Parents protest govt’s ‘inaction’ against pvt schools
Dehradun: Disappointed with the ‘inaction’ of block education officers, parents of several students studying in private schools held a protest in Ramnagar on Monday. The parents say that the officials are not conducting a probe in the cases of violation of rules by schools. The agitating parents even accused the education department of ‘overlooking’ the alleged malpractices of private schools like levying additional charges other than the tuition fees in violation of the state government order.
Meanwhile, the National Association for Parents and Students Rights (NAPSR) also held a peaceful protest in Dehradun in order to direct the government’s attention towards their demands. The parents body claim that the government hasn’t paid heed to their demands which include — reducing tuition fees as classes are being conducted online, not opening schools for students of any Class until a Covid-19 vaccine is developed, restricting schools from holding unnecessary WhatsApp sessions for lower primary classes, and asking schools to strictly ensure that no student is barred from accessing online classes for non-payment of school fees.
Parents protest govt ‘inaction’ against pvt schools
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