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NCERT reviews syllabi & textbooks to reduce load on students from next academic year – Education News

The NCERT has undertaken a syllabus and textbook review exercise to reduce curriculum load from the next academic year to ensure that children make a “speedy recovery” in learning, which has been hit by Covid-19 disruptions.

On December 15, the NCERT director in-charge Sridhar Srivastava wrote to the heads of the concerned departments of the organization to carry out the review by involving internal and external experts and propose the changes by December 28. Srivastava made a case for the review citing the pandemic during which, he said, students across grades “struggled a lot” in their learning efforts through online and other modes. He also referred to observations of a Parliamentary Standing Committee and the National Education Policy 2020 in this regard.

“Though we are in the process of making our National Curriculum Frameworks, the development of new textbooks may take some time to come out. But in view of giving children the opportunity for speedy recovery in their learning continuum, NCERT needs to take a step towards rationalization of its syllabi and textbooks for the next year across the stages. We have somewhat rationalized the textbooks at the primary stage for the next year. Given its continuity with higher stages, this exercise needs to be done in every subject area and for all the classes from VI to XII also,” Srivastava wrote.

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