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IIT Delhi launches STEM mentorship programme for girls studying in class 11 – Education News

In an attempt to encourage girls towards choosing science as their career, IIT Delhi has launched a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) mentorship programme for school-going girls.

The primary objectives of the STEM mentorship programme, designed for class 11 girl students, are to train young students to think creatively about science and innovation, to provide them with novel hands-on experience in solving research problems, and to help them form a stronger knowledge foundation.

V Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT Delhi said, “STEM needs to have more women participation. Through the mentorship programme, school girls will get exposure to some of the world-class laboratories and research work going on here. I am hopeful it will prove to be a turning point in their lives and they would be motivated to enter the world of science and technology and help society with their research work.”

Under this initiative, each school girl will be mentored by an IIT Delhi faculty along with his/ her research scholars. During the mentorship period, they will be exposed to foundational concepts in STEM disciplines, and also learn the experimental methods and techniques used in science labs.

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