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Indian students in Ukraine receive offers from neighbouring countries to complete education- Education News

Several students from Bengal pursuing Ukraine medical degrees, back home after fleeing the war-torn country, have started to receive offers to complete their education from universities in Hungary, Georgia, Poland, Armenia and Romania.

Education News India
Education News India

The pressure from institutes in Ukraine ‘s neighbouring countries, made via agents and coordinators, has been so uncompromising that several Ukrainian universities were forced to start online classes, even with teachers hiding in bunkers or refugee camps. But, for most students, it isn’t an easy choice. A student said “We are being bombarded with calls, texts and emails from agents and coordinators of multiple universities in other nations, which are offering us a chance to complete the remainder of the course, but we don’t know what the quality of education would be over there. We are in two minds whether to take up the offers right away and are, thus, opting to wait for a few more days.”

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