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Varsha Gaikwad signs MoU with Infosys to help build digital infrastructure in govt schools- Education News

Maharashtra School Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad has signed an MoU with the software company Infosys on behalf of the education department to help build digital infrastructure in government schools. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed for this springboard programme to exchange digital literacy and reskilling.

Education News India
Education News India

Speaking about the MoU, Varsha Gaikwad said that Infosys would provide a learning management system for monitoring and distribution of educational courses for teachers and students. She said that it would also help in providing a digital platform. In addition to the regular course material, students can access additional industry-oriented courses.

In addition, teachers can also access courses for reskilling and upskilling.

“We have urged the Infosys team to help us with our plans to enhance the digital infrastructure in government schools in Maharashtra,” she said, adding that “We have also established Maharashtra State Education Technology Forum as an open platform for free exchange of views on the use of technology to enhance learning capacity.”

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