Stalwarts 2022

Education Stalwarts 2022 | Mr. Ramesh Batta, Chairman of Kasiga School, Dehradun | Leaders in Education

Nothing great and lasting was ever built by the genius of one person. Ideas and inventions may be credited to a single person however, its further developmental changes can only occur when more brains and in some cases, brawn is employed to make it valuable and stand the test of time. Therefore, I do believe that one of the aspects that are required to be addressed in the school organization management is the establishment of an active and working team that is able to collaborate to achieve organizational goals.

In order for organizations to improve and stay relevant, it requires leaders to put their hands up and lead the way so that it does not become redundant of ideas, practices, and policies. Leaders bring innovation and improve standard operations. At Kasiga, we are continually evolving with the times and the management has always, and continues to promote and elevate our faculty to more responsible positions as we believe that they can further take the school on the path of excellence.

While Kasiga is my brainchild and people immediately associate me with the school and vice versa, it would be erroneous to take credit for what Kasiga stands for today. I was merely the spark that lit the fire, which has grown in intensity and size by all the other pieces that have been ignited by me. Kasiga is not Ramesh Batta. Kasiga is a school that is run by efficient, sincere, insightful, and committed individuals. It is the brilliance of this team that has made Kasiga one of the most respected and desired schools in India.

I have always believed that passion, compassion, and commitment are the hall markings of good leaders and I follow them in letter and spirit. My concern for my employees is paramount to me. A good leader is one that leads by example and hence, I enquire about each employee’s well-being before we discuss work. My doors are always open to share anything they wish, be it personal or professional. Everyone has a job to do and if their egos or sentiments are not impacted, they will continue to work honestly and diligently. This philosophy has resulted in me obtaining a highly motivated and passionate team.

I have always possessed a great enthusiasm for sports, especially cricket. I decided that I needed to inspire others to develop a love for sports too. With this aim in mind, I invested in state-of-the-art infrastructure, engaged professional coaches, took time out to attend matches and sponsor tournaments too. I make no pretence of displaying my passion and commitment for sports and feel a great sense of satisfaction when I see the sports team at Kasiga striving to reach higher and wider.

For teachers to excel, they need to be inspiredThis can be achieved by having proven leaders with a strong sense of purpose and commitment to drive them so that they can follow in their footsteps. Teachers, like all professionals, need to be appreciated for what they bring to the school so that they obtain a sense of achievement and a sense of being a valuable, contributing member of the team.

Every challenge brings with it new opportunities to try something different. It calls for introspection and invention. Perhaps a new idea or policy will pay the dividends we seek or if not, it calls for going back to the drawing board to introspect on the failures and to navigate a different approach. Nothing would have been achieved had the towel been thrown in. Leaders at all times are required to stay positive, focused, and be resolute in achieving their goals. Everything does not go as per plan and it is my conviction, my positivity, and my stubbornness to stay resolute, which is the reason I was able to construct the school. I had to overcome innumerable obstacles. Upon reflection, I realize the end result – seeing the school as one of the top schools in the country.

The pandemic brought very diverse challenges compared to what I faced earlier. I had stakeholders which included faculty, students, and their parents/guardians. Of course, this time, I had the support of a team and team leaders to discuss issues and on whom I could rely to advise me when looking for solutions.  Starting virtual classes came with its own challenges. There were parents who were concerned, who needed reassurance and were looking for answers, and others who required emotional and financial support. It was a challenging time indeed!  My team had my guidance and confidence and it had delivered with conviction. 

Education, in a nutshell, is a service that demands commitment and sincerity and those desirous of plunging into it must wear passion and resolve in the cause of excellence in education and community service. 

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