Education Stalwarts 2022 | Dr. G.J. Manohar, Headmaster & Correspondent of Madras Christian College Higher Secondary School, Chennai | Leaders in Education
“The truth is that team work is the heart of achievement” – John C Maxwell.
This quote has been my mantra and my work is fashioned in this style. Unlike other companies, an educational institution continuously has to adapt itself to the changing trends of the society, and has to meet the demands of the ever-growing smart learning generation. Unless the leader with a vision for the school is backed up with a good team, he cannot achieve his goal nor take the school forward towards holistic development.
The institution will definitely face hurdles and the leader will need a team which is equipped with the present-day educating tools, smart work and the ability to adapt and impart to leap over every hurdle successfully and to realize the goal he has set for the school. Continuous updation of knowledge, skills and teaching methodology will strengthen the team and in turn will be a great source of strength to the leader. If I run the race alone, it’s not going to be easy. I may stumble, I may fall, I may lose but if I have a team that would support me when I stumble; pick me up when I fall; encourage me to move on when I lose, then I am sure to realize my vision for the school. In the end, it’s the entire school community that wins and not just the leader. The visionary‘s success depends on the performance and support of his team.
Honesty and integrity are the two main characteristics a leader should possess to effectively lead his team. They believe that whatever vision I have set for the school does not reflect my personal interests and needs, but addresses the institution’s collective needs. The team gets inspired and invests their trust in me to achieve their own individual goals and the school’s goal. The meticulous planning, my dedication to my duties, continuous efforts to reach goals, making the right decisions, time management and self-evaluation for an upbeat future without letting down the legacy of the school is conspicuous in my modus operandi. My team knows they can depend on me not only for their professional advancements but can also trust me to be supported and get guided on their personal front. The team gets absolute freedom to work and while every success is celebrated, every failure is analyzed and worked upon. I do not inflict solutions but encourage them to come up with suggestions. This would help them to think creatively, develop their confidence and also take up leadership skills. My team knows that I am open to criticism. I am aware that a leader of present days is more carefully watched and observed; hence I set an example through my behavior rather than my directives.
Careers in teaching are always evolving and every change or enhancement made in a school should be student-oriented. Teachers have to continuously learn, develop and enhance their skills to make an impact on their students. It requires continuous professional development and it is the leader’s responsibility to provide professional enhancement tools and training. By giving the teachers new and better ways to hone their teaching skills to meet the developing standards, the teacher will feel motivated and will go forward to achieve excellence with confidence.
Complimenting a teacher can motivate them to a large extent. Cheering or thanking them at faculty meetings, organizing a staff lunch in which you personally thank teachers, posting their pictures on the newsletter etc., will not only please them but will also motivate them to walk an extra mile for the school.
Understanding their stress is also very important. Work should be delegated at the right time and to the right teacher. A leader should be aware of the skills of each teacher and must entrust work accordingly. Misjudgment in the allocation of work will lead to stress and a lag in performance. Making them a part of decision making will make them feel valued and be a part in the progress of the school. Teachers should feel supported and confident that the school also cares for their individual achievements by which they would feel motivated and work for the development of the school. A leader should not just care for his team members’ career advancement but should also be aware of the home front issues and should be empathic but also respect their emotional breakdown and assign work accordingly.
It should be a leader’s attitude and mindset to hold on to their hopes, dreams and desires. As a leader, I had many aspirations and dreams for my institution. But soon I realized that it is not an easy task. I had to convince my leaders and my team, and look into the financial constraints, amidst other issues. But I did not give up. I began to see my dreams turn into reality because I did not worry about the rock but had the chisel to bring it down. To improve the infrastructure, I had to build my finances; to start new projects I had to convince the board about the project’s benefits. I had to even step out from the 174-year tradition to bring in co-education instead of being a boys-only school.
Every leader at some point becomes exhausted and is pushed to his limits, but his success lies when he pursues his journey relentlessly. A leader might have set his goal at a time when everything was feasible or in an entirely different period of time expecting challenges of a different kind. During the course of time everything may change. His plans may not work, his resources may not last or his team might have dwindled in motivation. But this does not mean he should stop. He should change his course of action and make different strategies. He should also pronounce his new course of action so that his team members draw strength and motivation from him.
I can point at the present calamity caused by the pandemic to the entire educational sector. The goals, the statistics or the targets that were planned to be achieved were shattered. Effective leaders did not give up. Instead, the calamity caused by Covid-19 was changed to be a catalyst for digital adoption in school education. This strength of the leader becomes the strength of the school as well. Leadership is not a position or a title. It is action and example.The opportunity to lead is a privilege, not a personal entitlement. For the upcoming leaders, I would say that persistence towards the commitment without losing the focus on the vision is the most vital quality he/she should have. You should be ready to take up risks and face challenges boldly and your action plan should be well-defined. You should be able to alter or change your strategies to reach your goals. A leader is one who is not afraid of failures, instead he is afraid to give up. You must work envisioning what the future scenario would be and must plan strategically to reach there. Good communication skills and winning the trust and support of the team is important and you should not hesitate to ask them for suggestions and accept them if they form suitable steps to your ladder to success. Being focused, self-updated, and emotionally strong helps the leader to move in the right direction. A good leader does not just lead, he walks along. He does not just dream, he makes them come true: he does not quit but continues; he sets the banner high, and the sky becomes his limit…
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