National NewsSchool Principal

Effective Principals 2020 | Mr. Manoj Kumar, Principal of St Lawrence Public Sr. Sec. School

How Can The School Environment Be Optimised For Teachers In A Way That They Perform To The Best Of Their Abilities
Best Effective Principals 2020| Mr. Manoj Kumar, Principal of St Lawrence Public Sr. Sec. School
Best Effective Principals 2020| Mr. Manoj Kumar, Principal of St Lawrence Public Sr. Sec. School
In earlier times, TEACHING was considered the most noble profession, even when a strict teacher holding a stick in his hand controlled the actions, thoughts and motives of children without much interference from parents or the society in general.
Parents not only accepted the strictness of teachers towards their children, but also understood & respected their intention for the betterment of their children.
However, with advent of technology and modernisation, teaching has increasingly become more challenging as a profession.
As it is easy to settle a mature mind but really difficult to contend with a curious mind, Today’s education is not just limited to pouring academics into children, it goes far beyond that.
The role of a teacher in modern era is way wider; she/he is a mentor, a guide, a facilitator, a critic, a friend and much more.
Dealing with kindergarten or secondary level students, a teacher faces various challenges; their perplexities, curiosities, anxieties, agony, mood fluctuations etc.
Whether it is related to acceptance in the peer group or to the process of entering into adulthood, children need help.
A teacher has to go through this process of helping children despite facing constant criticism from them as well as the society.
Therefore, acknowledging the hardships of modern teachers and equipping them with the necessary means to facilitate dynamic teaching is the utmost requirement in order to optimise the school environment in the best possible manner for “The betterment of children.”
Carrying the responsibility of creating the future generation and bestowing young minds with knowledge and learning, a teacher should be supported by all the stakeholders of the society.
School environment should be infused with positivity and enthusiasm to provide its teachers an opportunity to inculcate values & learning in their students.
Teaching is a profession in which learning never stops.
Although teachers continue to learn new things by teaching everyday, they also need to be equipped with modern technology and modern views.
Therefore, in order to equip them better, schools must arrange in-house as well as external training for teachers to nourish their intellect and brush their skills.
It is believed that sharing increases knowledge, therefore, ample opportunities should be provided to teachers to interact with their colleagues and motivate each other.
Formal seminars, webinars, group discussions, conference meets etc. are good platforms for such interactions.
Respectful and attentive listeners alone can motivate a teacher to give spectacular results.
Teaching as a profession is not very challenging when it comes to physical stress but there is a tremendous level of mental stress involved in it.
Whether it is social disorder, political turbulence or pessimism due to the outbreak of a PANDEMIC, teaching  direct or VIRTUAL, her role accepts no compromise.
From covering syllabus to teaching skills, to inculcating values, to be motivated all time she has much to do.
Provision of a positive environment infused with motivation, admiration and respect and, acknowledging the teachers’ efforts, is not only essential for the fulfilment of their job but a moral responsibility of the community and society as well.

Best Effective Principals 2020| Mr. Manoj Kumar, Principal of St Lawrence Public Sr. Sec. School

Best Effective Principals 2020| Mr. Manoj Kumar, Principal of St Lawrence Public Sr. Sec. School
Best Effective Principals 2020| Mr. Manoj Kumar, Principal of St Lawrence Public Sr. Sec. School

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