
Meeting held for implementation of NEP in schools

“Five sub-committees were set up in the task force’s first meeting held today (Monday). These are foundational education, universal access, curriculum and evaluation, school compound and training and use of technology in education,” said education minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama.
Gujarat: Meeting held for implementation of NEP in schools
Gujarat: Meeting held for implementation of NEP in schools

Gujarat education minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama chaired the first meeting of the task force set up for implementation of National Education Policy 2020 for school education.

The task force discussed ways for effective and early implementation of NEP in schools.

“Five sub-committees were set up in the task force’s first meeting held today (Monday). These are foundational education, universal access, curriculum and evaluation, school compound and training and use of technology in education,” said Chudasama.

Gujarat: Meeting held for implementation of NEP in schools
A similar decision of four sub-committees for the implementation of NEP 2020 in higher education was taken last week.
On the decision of re-opening of schools, the minister stated that it would be taken after a meeting with the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, who is also the health minister. The meeting likely to be held within a day or two will decide when schools should be re-opened, Chudasama said.
Already, the minister had conducted a meeting with senior education department officials last week to take their opinion. He had directed officials to study and analyse the guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) issued by the health ministry. The SOPs stated that schools outside containment zones will be allowed to re-open from September 21 for Classes 9 to 12.
Earlier, educationists, academicians and experts had suggested the state government to resume schools in November at a webinar chaired by Chudasama.

Gujarat: Meeting held for implementation of NEP 2020 in schools

Gujarat: Meeting held for implementation of NEP in schools
Gujarat: Meeting held for implementation of NEP in schools

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