Never take shortcuts exam results not end of life PM to students-Education News
Never take the shortcut, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his message to students on Friday, cautioning that cheating may help them in an exam or two but not in the long run and asserting that exam results are not the end of life.
The prime minister also advised parents that they should not pressure children due to social status, and asked students to focus on their work to come out of any such burden of expectations. Responding to questions from students during the sixth edition of “Pariksha Pe Charcha“, his annual interaction with students on issues such as exam stress, at the Talkatora Stadium here, he said they should maintain focus on their work. “Life cannot be successful with cheating. You may clear an exam or two but it will remain questionable in life.
Hard-working students should not despair at the temporary success of the cheaters and said that hard work will always benefit them in their lives. Exams come and go but life is to be lived fully,” he said. Giving the example of people who cross railway tracks to go to another platform instead of taking the foot overbridge, the prime minister pointed out that shortcuts will not take you anywhere and said, “Shortcuts will cut you short.” He also noted that some schools or teachers who run tuition classes strive for unfair means so that their students excel in the exams.
“Students should refrain from wasting time in finding ways and preparing cheating material and spend that time in learning. Secondly, in these changing times, when life around us is changing, you have to face exams on every step,” he said as he noted that such people can only clear a few exams but eventually fail in life.
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