
Usha Martin Group Of Schools

Approach towards monitoring student’s mental health

Mental health is the wellbeing of our mind, emotions, apart from our physical wellbeing. It has remained a topic of discussion for a very long time and still continues to be one in many areas. Although, mental health is important at every age, but especially so in youth. Mental health is about Our mind, How we think and feel, How we express our emotions, How we perceive the world and How we react to what is happening in our lives, is a reflection of our Mental Health.

Mental health also includes how you act in order to face life’s situations. for example, how you handle stress. How you look at yourself, your life and the people in your life.For example, how you relate to others.

The student’s mental health is a complex issue that can have a huge impact on their educational experience and also their life in general. The
ambit of mental health encompass the emotional, behavioral, and social wellbeing of a child.

The most important feature of mental health is ‘adaptability’, the ability to cope with daily life challenges effectively. Giving a secure environment to children in schools is important for this reason. Easy access, wellbeing and adaptability must be aligned together to create a comprehensive system in a school.

Children’s success in school and life is directly linked to their mental health. Some research findings indicate that children who receive mental health support do better in academics, are flexible and adaptive to change. The overall mental health determines learning. Problem in activities and behavior can be addressed by providing mental health support.
Research suggests that

almost one-fifth of the children and adolescents experience a mental health concern like stress, anxiety, bullying, learning disability, and/or alcohol and substance abuse.

There are many different ways to monitor students’ mental health, and it is important to be aware of all the resources available.
As a way to monitor their mental health one should first of all be open, so that the child feels completely at ease to share or talk about anything they
are going through.

Secondly, children tend to zone out in between the classes and that can be seen in their grades going down, their inclusiveness in class discussions
is going down, or arriving late to class. When such things are noticed, the teacher or who-so-ever concerned should talk to then privately in a calm
way and ask them about it.

The most important way to monitor student’s mental health is by making them aware on taking care of themselves, bringing in practices like yoga,
meditation, mindfulness to keep them in touch with themselves and understand the meaning of why it is important to take care of themselves.

We can conclude by saying that mental health is as important as physical health and neglecting it will only worsen things up. We need to keep in
mind that making our students feel cared for, is the most important type of education and the only one that can help them grow into confident

The greatest gift of all Cannot be bought in stores or malls It is the treasure of being heard truly heard It is the gift of listening to hopes, fears, dreams, hurts listening demonstrates acceptance, caring and hope taking time to listen fosters trust and respect the gift of your presence truly listening opens doors to caring relationships It’s the greatest gift of all.

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