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Lucknow Grammar Alert: Students use SMS ‘lingo’ in Exam Papers-Education News

Ateacher in a prestigious girls’ school in Lucknow, recently, rubbed her eyes in disbelief and then wiped her spectacles. She was examining the papers of Class 7 examinations and could not understand what the students had written.

Education News India
Education News India

Even Wren and Martin would not have understood. One student wrote “Akbar d grt was known 4 his gnrost. He was a GOAT.” As the teacher went on to examine more copies, she was aghast to find that nearly a dozen students in the examinations were using SMS lingo. She said, “I was shocked to see the language that students had written. A large part of it was beyond my comprehension.” As the teacher informed her colleagues and the principal, it was found that students in other classes were also using the SMS ‘lingo’. Lucknow The principal, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told IANS that at least five schools — three girls and two boys — have reported a similar trend. “At the parents-teacher meeting, when report cards were given out, we spoke to parents but shockingly, a majority of them seemed unaffected. They said that as long as their children had written the right facts, marks should not be deducted for the language,” the principal said

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