Kerala will no longer offer three-year degree courses from next year Higher education minister R Bindu-Education News
Minister of Higher Education Department R Bindu on Tuesday said that there will be only four-year degree courses from next year.
The minister said that the course is arranged in such a way that the students can decide whether to continue their studies in the fourth year. There will be an exit policy in place after the third year. A graduation certificate will be provided on completion of three years. Those students interested can pursue the fourth year, and an Honors degree will be awarded to them. Research and internship will be given focus in the fourth year. Higher Education Minister R Bindu said in the history of the state, for the first time it has managed a Kerala curriculum framework. “The process is over. The curriculum framework is managed by the state higher education council and was handed over to the universities in the month of April. Now the universities have to take the responsibility of forming the syllabus according to the curriculum”, the minister said.
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