
Karnataka govt forms redressal committees over school fees issue

Dispute redressal committees were formed in Karnataka after the education department announced a 30 per cent cut in the tuition fees- the only fees that schools were allowed to charge for the 2020-21 academic year.
Karnataka govt forms redressal committees over school fees issue
Karnataka govt forms redressal committees over school fees issue
This came after several parents complained of the schools’ non-compliance to the government order about the new fee structure.
A redressal committee has been formed in Bengaluru headed by the Zonal director or associate director. In districts, committees are formed headed by deputy directors or DIET principals.
Powers under Section 133 of the Karnataka Education Act 1983, have been conferred when forming these committees. As per that, in case of disputes, disputes should be settled at the BEO level in Zonal level. BEO’s will create a special counter and submit the grievances to the committee the same day they arrive. The BEO should ensure that the complainant does not get harassed in any way.
Karnataka govt forms redressal committees over school fees issue
Karnataka govt forms redressal committees over school fees issue
Karnataka govt forms redressal committees over school fees issue

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