Stalwarts 2021

Education Stalwarts 2021 | Dr.K.M.Cherian, Chairman of The Study Lecole Internationale | Leaders in Education

Dr.K.M.Cherian, Chairman of The Study Lecole Internationale, one of the top Leaders in Education is with EducationToday sharing his experience.

The spry septuagenarian stood surveying the radial canopy of the mango tree. The tree that had inspired the entrepreneur in him to establish an awning portal of education, stirred gently in response. Two titans, who have been the backbone of The Study L’e`cole Internationale, one by his far-reaching vision and the other by its benign presence, graced each other contentedly.

The visionary Dr. K.M. Cherian, who had spent part of his school days studying under a mango tree in Kerala, has become an institution himself. 

The boy from Chengannur had become a pioneering cardiac surgeon, blazing many a trail with a steadfast focus. Relinquishing a lucrative job overseas to serve in a non-descript Railway Hospital in Chennai required a conviction not swayed by remunerations or rewards. And, Kotturathu Mammen Cherian had this in excess. This self-confidence to take the road not taken is what would take him to newer pastures and greater heights in his glorious life ahead.

While forging ahead in his medical career, he did not rest on his laurels but wanted to serve the society further. Thus, he started his foray into the education sector. 

He formed the Dr. K.M. Cherian Educational Society, and, under its aegis established The Study Lecole Internationale in 2006. As with all his ventures, this too has his stamp of vision and uniqueness.

The Study, affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, has become a benchmark for educational institutions in Puducherry. Located in the coastal town, near enough for unhindered sea breeze to waft into the campus every evening, the school has grown from strength to strength in the last 15 years. Starting with a modest twenty five students and three teachers, around three thousand students, hundred and twenty teachers and an additional hundred and eighty staff call The Study their second home now !

As the legendary anecdote goes, Dr. K.M. Cherian spotted the mango tree while scouting the area for the school, and the rest is history ! Like his beloved tree, he has given shape to his vision, grandly radiating one idea after another. Dr. Sanjay Cherian, Vice-Chairman of Dr. K.M. Cherian Educational Society and a famous cardiac surgeon himself along with Mrs. Sandhya Cherian, Correspondent of The Study, have earnestly taken on the responsibility of meticulously implementing their father’s vision to perfection; while adding their own perspectives to the project in progress. The illustrious family works in synchronicity to make The Study Lecole Internationale a leader in education.

The curved contours of the main academic block bear the aesthetic stamp of the Chairman, Dr. K.M. Cherian. The green campus, where native and exotic flora co-exist, exhibits his passion towards making this space a serene sanctuary for the learners and the learned. The plethora of sports facilities, from swimming to tennis, shows his commitment towards the holistic development of the students. The richly-stocked library and the well-equipped labs are a testament to Dr. K.M. Cherian’s commitment to provide the best to those who come there to seek knowledge.

As he says, his technical brain makes his way of thinking unique. Recipient of numerous awards at national and international stages, he is passionate about his work and ventures, yet approaches them with a sensibility and logic that reveals his experience as a seasoned entrepreneur and his mental make-up as a man of science.

Rubbing shoulders with celebrities and reaching for the stars has not alienated him from his roots. He empathizes with the less privileged and firmly believes that providing education is the sure way to alleviate poverty. To this end, Dr. K.M. Cherian sponsors five girl students of single mothers every year. These children are provided with all the necessities to tackle the demands of a modern school system, right from prepping them mentally to giving them electronic device. This balances the chasm created by society between the haves and have-nots. The cash award to the most deserving outgoing student of the graduating batch, who excels in academics too, is a further step in this direction. This facilitates the achievers from humble backgrounds to learn in the best universities of higher education.

Dr. K.M. Cherian considers STEM education to be the beacon for future citizens and global leaders in the making. The newest Knowledge Block in the campus of The Study houses the most modern science labs possible in any K-12 school. Atal Tinkering Labs, awarded by the Government of India to worthy schools, is an important space in this block where students can innovate and research. The Wi-Fi enabled campus is conducive for the experiential learning of the 21st century Generation Z students.

An integrated approach to preparing students for a future in STEM education is the focus of The Study. K.M. Cherian Academy of Competitive Education, KACE, offers the best coaching for competitive examinations, on par with the metropolitan cities of India. 

The Zodiac Garden, Navagraha Garden, rain water harvesting, vermi-composting, school farm, waste segregation system etc are standing testaments of his commitment to sustainable growth of the sylvan campus.

The Mammen Cherian Memorial sports event, initiated by Dr. K.M. Cherian, has grown from a single sports event to a multi-sports event in a short span of 3 years. It now attracts the best sporting talents from Puducherry and beyond. Pathfinder Camp and Triathlon, two flagship events at The Study, create young adventurers and endurance athletes, consistently. 

Under the exceptional leadership and guidance of Dr. K.M. Cherian, The Study has amassed numerous awards and recognitions; in the academic, co-curricular and administrative verticals. The ‘Futuristic School Award’ by Zamit reiterates the trend-setting cutting-edge pedagogy that has permeated the academic approach of The Study. The ‘Best CBSE School in Puducherry’ award by Education Today is further indication of the role of The Study in enriching the academic scenario of this Union Territory.

From being a pioneer in bypass surgery in the field of medicine, to bypassing numerous hurdles in his entrepreneurial journey, Dr. K.M. Cherian has come a long way. From being curious about his surroundings in childhood; to creating an environment of learning, where curiosity and innovation are applauded, for his students, he remains rooted to his life’s mission.

The dynamic ‘Joji of Chengannur’ remains active in the heart of the great and inspiring cardiac surgeon Dr. K.M. Cherian. The two inspiring mango trees in Kerala and Kalapet can vouch for this fact!

Do check out experiences shared by our top 50 leaders in education. All of the Leaders in education who have shared their experience with us have been motivating and life changing.

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