Coorg Public School records 100% pass results in ICSE Examinations 2021
Coorg Public School records outstanding performance of its students in the ICSE Examinations 2021. The pass percentage is 100%. Out of 93 students who appeared for the exams, 92 have scored a distinction and just 1 first class.
Ishaana Poonacha K is the proud topper of the school with 98.5%. Yuvika Appaiah scored 98% and bagged second place, and third position is shared by four students with 97.6%, they are Shreehari B.P., Hiren M.P., Ananya Hiremath and Prarthana H.M.
30 students in Biology, 23 in Geography, 17 in English Paper -2, 15 in Physical Education, and 9 in Computer Applications have scored a hundred. Fourteen students have achieved the unique distinction of scoring Grade 1 in all the subjects.
Further, Coorg Pre University College, Gonikoppal has also recorded an outstanding performance of its students in the PUC Board Examinations. P.G. Lisha secured a centum in PCMB. In the PCMC stream, S Rahul Panikar secured 99.33% and B Rachel Muthanna topped the commerce stream with 99.50%. Out of 15 students in the PCMB category, 6 students have secured a distinction and 9 students secured a first class. In the PCMC category, 6 students have secured a distinction. In the EBAC category, 13 students have secured a distinction and 12 students have secured a first class. 29 students have shown exceptional performance by securing a 100 in various subjects.
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