About School
The congregation of Ursulines of Immaculate was founded by Bl. Morello of Jesus in the year 1649 in Piacenza, Italy. It has branched out in the countries of Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. The first batch of Five Italian Pioneers set foot on the Indian soil in November 1934.over the years, the Congregation has steadily grown through the length and breadth of different continents, receiving from the Lord Jesus and Bl.Brigida Morello, the mandate of perfect love of God and neighbour expressed in serving God’s people. The Ursuline Sisters engage themselves according to the need of the time through various apostolates such as Education, Healing, Socio-pastoral and other humanitarian work. Our Foundress Bl.Brigida Morello, was always attentive to the movement of the Holy Spirit and attuned to the signs of her tome to respond prophetically to the mission of Church. In her moments of deep communion with the lord and in search of God’s will, she clearly heard the voice, “Come out of your solitude and save souls”. What is most striking is the prophetic vision of our Foundress, which is cleary projected in the future, giving unquestionable sanction to any kind of activity that can ensure the “good of the neighbour, benefit of the city, and procuring of God’s glory”. PEDAGOGY OF URSULINE EDUCATION In the Bible God presents Himself as a teacher. In the book of Hosea God says,”It was I who taught Ephraim to walk”. In the New Testament we have Jesus as the Master Teacher. The portrait of our Foundress Bl.Brigida Morello with one hand on her chest and crucifix in the other hand is an expression of her contemplation in action. The aim of education according to her is to form souls who can be the living temples of God. She emphasizes education of the heart without which no personality is complete nor is a Christian mature. The MEANS of our institute is the perfect love of God and neighbour. The END of our institute is the greater glory of God. She invites us to identify ourselves with the crucified of today through the education of the marginalized. Bl.Brigida Morello valued the secular sciences and the teachings of the same. She realized that it is proper of the human person that he or she cannot reach a level of life, really and truly human, expect through culture, by cultivating and understanding of the natural and divine values. According to our Foundress education should focus on moral, intellectual and integral development based on Gospel values of truth, social justice, universal love, global peace and forgiveness to prepare young people as builders of families, followers of Christ ans agents of social change. Our Foundress has special concern for the education of girls and the liberation of woman and hence we esteem the education is a very significant apostolate of our congregation. Hence, as Ursuline education it is our bounden duty and responsibility to build our own personalities after the image of Christ, imbibing the value of Christ and model our life and style of administration and functioning after the example of the Master Teacher; so that we become authentic leaders and inspiring educators, giving emphasis on our being and doing. Thus we have to become committed in our mission with simple lifestyle, compassionate dealing, gentleness, complete dependency on God and above all by being integrated personalities. PHILOSOPHY OF URSULINE EDUCATION Our philosophy of education a heritage from our Foundress Bl. Brigida Morello and the pioneer education is the Christian philosophy of education personalized in the century old traditions of our sisters. It is stated in an admirable simplicity in Art.93 & 94 of our Constitution. In our active apostolate we give special importance to education in the school. We contribute to the integral formation of the young by the type of teaching which tends to bring about a personal synthesis, not only between faith and culture but also between faith and life. In our school we favour an atmosphere that is conducive to communicating Christian values. We give importance to religious instruction in the curriculum, always respecting other religions as well. Those involved in the vocation of teaching shall respect the personality of the students. We strive to create a climate of understanding and friendship so that the young people may be disposed to dialogue and accept the Christian principles of love and social justice not by imposition, but out of conviction. Thus our philosophy of education sets before us the ideal of education our students to be spiritually oriented, morally upright, socially concerned and intellectually well informed persons. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES In our institution we aim at promoting the growth of an integrated personality of the students by imparting to them a sound spiritual, moral, intellectual, aesthetic and physical education, in order to prepare them to face challenges of the modern world. We educated them to be spiritually oriented, morally upright, socially concerned and intellectually well informed persons. We shape our students to be citizens who are patriotic, tolerant and embedded in the indian ethos of spirituality and prepare them to be agents of social change for the uplift of the poor and backward classes. We help them to appreciate the Indian heritage and remain open to the positive elements of other culture. We also help them to be aware of the ecological changes. Be eco-friendly and learn to save the natural resources. The schools stand for academic excellence, development of skills and character formation based on the love of God, with a view to build future citizens and leaders who will work with sincere commitmemt to God and the growth of our country.
Additional Details
  • Minimum Entry Age :- 3
  • School Provide Meals ? :- No
  • Air condition Class ? :- No
  • CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
  • Day Boarding ? :- Yes
  • Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
  • Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- N/A
  • Total School Strength :- N/A
  • Average No of students per class :- N/A
  • Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- N/A
  • Fire Safety :- No
  • School has Strong Room ? :- No
  • School has Wifi Enabled ? :- No
  • Total No. of Playground ? :- N/A
  • Total No. of Rooms ? :- N/A
  • No. of Laboratories. :- N/A
  • No. of Lift elevator. :- N/A
  • Total No of computers. :- N/A
  • No. of Activity room. :- N/A
  • School has clinic facilities ? :- No
  • School has Gymnasium ? :- No
  • Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- N/A
  • Total area of playground ? (sq) :- N/A
  • Total No. of Library ? :- N/A
  • No. of Auditorium. :- N/A
  • No. of Digital Classroom. :- N/A
  • Total No. of Buses Owned. :- N/A
  • Transport Facility :- No
Admission Details
  • Admission Process :- Offline/Online
  • Start Date :- 2023-01-11
  • Facility to do online admission process :- Yes
  • Admission Open :- Yes
  • End Date :- 2023-03-30
  • Facilty to Pay admission fee online :- NO
  • Admission Page Link :-
Fee Details
  • Admission Fee :- ₹ 14000
  • Annual Fee :- ₹ 24965
  • Transport Fee :- N/A
  • Others Fee :- ₹ 1000
Vision and Leadership
School Vision

“Education for wholeness through Faith, Love, Service”.

St Joseph’s Senior Secondary School
Sr. Dr. Sonia Varghese

There is a parable which speaks of a man who built his house on rock and a man who built his house on sand. A wise man built his house on the rock; the rain fall and the floods came and the winds below and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because if had been founded on the rock. A foolish man built his house on sand, the rain fell and the floods came and the wind blew and beat against that house and it fell and great was the fall of it (from Holy Bible, Mt. 7:24-27). This applies also to our life. If you cultivate positive and rock-solid convictions, belief and put in persistent hard work you can build a stable life-be it in your academics, discipline and social life or personal grooming. Some of the recipes to build a strong foundation for your life could be right thoughts, right words, specific goal setting, responsibility for your actions and attitudes, right choice of friends, a never give-up spirit etc. These fortified with love, compassion, sharing and forgiveness will make your life dynamic, productive and successful. Every step and every risk you take and every drop of sweat you shed to acquire the above recipes with creativity and vigor will help you build your house on rock. It is worthwhile to ponder on what your life is built on. You are the architect of your life; you are the one to choose the foundation stone to build your life on and to decide its contents. It is important to makes sure that you have a solid foundation on rock to protect yourself from mental, physical and intellectual disasters. The introduction of “Ten commandments for students” the ‘Ambassadors of peace’ added a new dimension to our identity as the member of the St. Joseph’s Family. It highlighted our uniqueness in understanding human values, thus to have a solid foundation on rock. Dear all, building a better you is how you can make yourself a very pleasing gift to God and everyone who comes in contact with you. God bless you.


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