Only 6.1 per cent of students of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay are looking for jobs, the institute said on social media. IIT Bombay’s statement came after a Hindustan Times news report claimed that 36% of students of the current batch failed to get placed.  The institute shared the results of an exit survey conducted on the graduating students of 2022-23 and said in a post on X (formerly Twitter): “Lately there has been news that over 30% of IITB students do not get jobs! An exit survey among graduating students in 2022-23 says only 6.1% are still looking for jobs. Here is the survey result for you to decide…” According to the pie-chart shared by IIT Bombay, 57.1% of students were placed in IIT Bombay placements while 12.2% opted for higher degree. 10.3% of students found jobs off campus while 8.3% were interested in public service. Of total, 4.3% have not decided yet on taking a job whereas 1.6% want to start their own venture. Of total placed students, females secured 58.8% IITB placements while 56.7% males secured jobs. 8.1% women and 5.6% men are still looking for jobs, as per IIT Bombay’s survey. 
