As per officials, the removal of the e-waste was pursuant to the Swachhata Abhiyan launched by the prime minister. Officials said that disposal of e-waste is a systematic process and only specialised firms can participate in its tendering. The items will now be recycled. These include 901 computers which includes the full set of monitor, keyboard, CPU and mouse, 928 monitors, 1,013 CPUs, 1,406 keyboards, 121 typewriters, 1152 kg of UPS, 483 kg of batteries among other items. There are 87 total categories of items. Currently, all of these have been stored in the basement of Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 10. The items will be sent away after the academic year gets over and the school shuts down at the end of the month. As per officials, the products were classified as per guidelines for disposal of obsolete/unusable IT and electronics equipment issued by the UT administration in 2014. As per this, items like printer cartridges and DVDs become immediately obsolete while maximum life is for electronic items like TVs, DVD players and digital cameras which have a productive life of 7 years and end of life after 10 years.
Source-HT Photo