A young dynamic, vibrant humanitarian who has a commendable and distinctive approach, Ms. Sowjanya Jampana, Director of Nagarjuna Vidyaniketan Bangalore, is an eminent personality in the field of education.

A self-motivated, undemanding personality, compassionate and loving, she has committed herself to the advancement of the student community through her devout simulation. Her proficiency lies in anticipating professional needs and proactively identifying as well as resolving problems.

Will her formal education at our very own institution, she graduated in Organizational Leadership as electives at London School of Economics, England and then went on to complete her Post Graduation at Harvard Business School, Boston, in Master of Business Administration.

Ms. Sowjanya Jampana took over the mantle at a very young age to pursue her parents’ dreams into a real aim of education, not confining to text book learning but including other significant areas of learning that ensure excellence in children's lives. This has been her guiding force ever since she took over the leadership. Her visualization for the school and all the institutions under the Nagarjuna Group, is one that prepares students globally. Her involvement fosters creativity and supports development of all members connected with the Nagarjuna Group of Institutions.

As a responsible citizen, she encourages many youth to take up relevant research that impacts our environment and well being. She ensures that Nagarjuna Group of Institutions set the trend for a progressive nation.

Can you give us a short brief about yourself that would include your childhood, school life as a child, how different the education system had been during that time and academic qualifications?

My childhood has been blessed with a very supportive family and a school that was started by my parents 25 years ago. With the same values I have been brought up in, I always feel it is my responsibility to give back to society multifold. I was always into sports which gave me an insight of being passionate about getting better everyday if we want to win .

My formal school education was from our very own institution. It was such a rewarding time when I had to juggle between myself as a student here at school and the same me as part of the family that is responsible for each and everything that happens at the institution. I could learn immensely observing so much those days.

The education system when I was a student was different from now, with heavy academic pressure , much lesser extra curricular activities as part of everyday school and not much opportunity for learners to be recognised as good as toppers in the academic field.

When did you start your journey as an educator and how many years have you dedicated to the education fraternity?

I took over the mantle at a very young age to pursue my parents' dreams into a real value of education for many aspiring Indians. After the secondary level education here, I pusued my Graduation in Organizational Leadership as electives at London School of Economics, England. I then moved to complete my Post Graduation at Harvard Business School, Boston, from where I earned a post graduation in Exclusive Master of Business Administration (MBA). So far I've spent 12 years of my life in it and developed an immense passion in this field of education and learning to dedicate the rest of my life for it . I've continued to learn more proactively while pursuing my Post graduation course at LSE in “ Organisational Leadership Development” in 2012 and also while graduating from the Harvard Business School in 2019. Both these times have been life changing experiences for me and have helped me look at our Indian education in a new light. And it was after completing these courses that I knew that I was prepared to hold the reins of our institutions. Since then I have been working to make our school the best in the city.

What was your vision, mission & motivation of being an educator?

My Vision has always been my school's vision and it comes from my parents' dreams and value system that's been imbibed in our school roots from the day of the school's inception 25 years ago . My school's mission is keep that vision of providing the best education in an uncompromising manner.

The vision is

' To induce in the learners the energy to act for a better world, and inspire them to work with enthusiasm to realize that.’

Our school's Mission is

'To bring a desirable social change by providing children with uncompromised quality education by enabling them to fulfill societal, national and global needs and aspirations with a positive approach by building an inclusive and holistic educative platform that will shape students' perspective for our constantly changing communities.' Thinking about what motivates me to be an educator is this thought that, Nothing is easy in molding an educator. It can be trying, challenging, emotional, and can make a lot of us ask why did I have to do this at all. But with time and in the midst of the ups and downs, tears and smiles, I began to relive all the reasons why I wanted to make my parents' dreams come alive and the journey that got me here.

How would you describe your journey as an educator?

My journey to build a strong base for committed educators was always my driving force. It was right then, during my first year in my own school that I knew that, to create many trendsetters and global citizens, motivated and well guided educators were much needed. To guide educators of my school, I direct the day to day activities and ensure that my school imparts education with impeccable commitment and paramount dedication. My efforts with such dedicated educators who are in this journey with me, makes our school an apt platform to inculcate inclusive education cutting across religion, race and geographical boundaries. I anticipate professional needs and proactively identify them and help resolve problems at school.

What are the ways in which your school has reached out and connected with its neighboring community?

To ensure the social emotional well-being of our students, the educators of our school, right from the pre kg level to the class 10 level, visited the families of students to get a deeper insight into what defines and guides the young minds. This has helped us to connect with the community from where many little ones who spend half their daily active hours with us at school, come from. We have launched a unique initiative,to make young urban children interact with seasoned and experienced farmers to highlight the need of restoration of soil health to farmers under the Project name, 'Soil to Market.