Punjab school education and language minister Harjot Singh Bains said it had come to the notice of the education department that Punjabi was not being taught as a compulsory subject by the school

Amity International School, Sector 79, has been fined 50,000 for not teaching Punjabi as a compulsory subject, Punjab school education and language minister Harjot Singh Bains confirmed on Friday.

The school has been instructed to deposit the penalty amount within five days and submit a report. 


Bains said it had come to the notice of the education department that Punjabi was not being taught as a compulsory subject by the school, following which the director, school education, had issued a show-cause letter to the private school.

During the hearing, it came to fore that in violation of the no-objection certificate given by the Punjab government to the private school, it was not following provisions of the Punjab Learning of Punjabi and Other Languages Act, 2008.

He said hence, the school had been fined 50,000 for the first violation as per the Act’s rules. The school has been instructed to deposit the penalty amount within five days and submit a report.