National NewsSchool Principal

Effective Principals 2020 | Ms. Piyali Shome, Principal of Tattva School

Chalking the Change

Effective Principals 2020 | Ms. Piyali Shome, Principal of Tattva School
Effective Principals 2020 | Ms. Piyali Shome, Principal of Tattva School

The last few months have thrown a plethora of challenges to us. While groping through myriad probabilities, we have accepted that change is the only constant thing in life.

 A single strand of virus has Redefined life, education, and our very existence.

Academics and pedagogy has progressed from ‘chalk and talk’ to better adjustment and understanding of the child as an active participant and the teacher as the facilitator.

Armed with technology as a tool, the teacher is now a learner.

She readily uses different teaching learning aids like epidiascope, filmstrip, and our friendly computer.

She is now the Online teacher re-writing the pages of future ready netizens. Language Lab, Flip Classroom, Gallery walk, Brain Storming are not terms, but techniques used in Modern Day Classrooms or glass-rooms. Teachers are not scared to be observed.

The mother of all professions has embraced changes with a happy head.

Students are not balancing 7 to 12 kg bags but bagging projects. They are busy MUN-ing , innovating ,creating or giving TED talks.

Problem solving, seminar, workshops, Webinar, the students now need a team leader who assists, inspires and encourages. Parents are not the mute spectating bystanders but participating Stake Holders, asking questions and supporting their whiz kids.

From classrooms to consuls, from Mathematics to Coding, from Artificial Intelligence to Predictive Intelligence…the progress is phenomenal amongst the prodigies back home. 
Education is now all encompassing, having incorporated Life-Skills.
The free flowing Curriculum is equipped to nurture the Emotional Quotient, and Social Quotient of our young learners.
Garnered with PD courses such as Blooms Taxonomy, Active Learning and Multiple Intelligence, the teaching community is fortifying learners through activity based learning.
 It is a pedagogical evolution we are witnessing wherein AI is but a chapter in their leafless textbook.
To do this the teacher must prepare Lesson Plans with SMART Goals using skills of introducing, explaining, motivating, reinforcing yet rekindling in the innocent the curiosity that smiles in the eyes of every child.
Let us therefore join hands and open the shackles that had entangled education, to examination… it takes a crisis to make humans break free, we are born free let us have the next generation living free.

Effective Principals 2020 | Ms. Piyali Shome, Principal of Tattva School

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