About School
Founder: Years ago S. Mehtab Singh felt that an essential growth to the community could come only through quality education and also realizing, that it had to be at an affordable cost and thus be available to all sections of society.He felt that every man and woman should accept individual responsibility for the survival of all. He set about bringing up Schools, where the curriculum was designed, to develop abilities and skills, (rather than memories) in children. S. Mehtab Singh and Sardarni Jasbir Kaur laid emphasis on selfless service, rendered in a spirit of total devotion to the Guru (in whose sacred name the School is) and the True Lord. They enrolled the whole family and who all adorn the annals of the ‘Intellectual Heritage’, with their dedicated and pro-active beings.S. Mehtab Singh was an M.A. Economics from the Forman Christian College of Lahore and was selected for a fellowship at the London School of Economics. He conceptualized and actualized the mission of setting up quality meccas of education, and was the vision behind the setting up of Public Schools in the Sikh community besides Public Schools in Delhi, Jhansi, Kota, Dehradun, etc. He shaped his vision with the spiritual leaders of his time and the outcome of which is the School at Bathinda, the Engineering College at Malout, the College of Nursing at Ludhiana and the Home for the Aged at Delhi. Sardarni Jasbir Kaur was a Graduate and Gyani from Rawalpindi and was a woman with a focused purpose and a doer and much attached to the traditions and richness of Sikh culture and the Guru’s thoughts. She inculcated a rich heritage of the Guru’s thoughts in her family and which has helped in continuing their vision. Today, the Schools are chaired by S. Jaspal Singh who is ably assisted by the family, as well as, other Members of the Governing Body. The academic direction is well supported by Sardarni Amrit Kaur Sabharwal, a qualified & highly experienced academician. GNFCS today devises new curriculum to teach concepts and not only subjects and builds the curriculum around three core concepts of: •Awareness, • Honesty • Responsibility. It is endeavoured to learn how to get along, become tolerant, not to hurt others and to see others as equal. FCS also endeavours to bring around the quality of believing in yourself and walking in dignity. We endeavour to teach what it means to be honest; we teach what it is to be responsible; we teach what it means to be aware of other people’s feelings and respectful of other people’s path. The Faculty is motivated to prepare a value-based curriculum and the wealth is in the question and not in the answer. Counselling effort is provided along with the parents. As a primary rule – in creating the child’s system of values and to encourage students from the earliest age, until the end of formal education, to aspire such values and to learn how to use them, apply them, function like them and yes, even to question them. Sdn. Amrit Kaur Sabharwal S. Jaspal Singh. 1. To impart a broad-based education to boys and girls, so as to enable them, to become worthy and dynamic leaders; able to make a useful contribution, to the changing conditions, of this technologically advancing world. 2. To develop the physical, intellectual, cultural and spiritual aspects of child’s personality, so as to inculcate, sobering, practical and aesthetic sense, in order that he/she may lead the life of a successful and worthy citizen. 3. Particular attention is paid to the ethical and moral training of the students, in an endeavour, to develop in them a sense of initiative and responsibility; to teach them the value of social service, self-discipline, self-reliance; punctuality, cleanliness, loyalty, politeness, respect to seniors, courtesy to servants, and the importance of games, physical fitness and sportsmanship, while at work and play. 4. The School aims at producing disciplined students, educated in mind, body and spirit and hence, best suited to serve their motherland and best fitted, to lead others by their example. 5. To encourage learning by providing a supportive environment for all religions, with Sikh values as central to the ethos of the school & its teachings. 6. In providing awareness to develop “Faith” & to cultivate the foundation of mutual respect & responsibilities.
Additional Details
  • Minimum Entry Age :- 3
  • School Provide Meals ? :- No
  • Air condition Class ? :- Yes
  • CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
  • Day Boarding ? :- Yes
  • Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
  • Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 65
  • Total School Strength :- 2500
  • Average No of students per class :- 65
  • Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- 120
  • Fire Safety :- Yes
  • School has Strong Room ? :- Yes
  • School has Wifi Enabled ? :- Yes
  • Total No. of Playground ? :- 2
  • Total No. of Rooms ? :- 80
  • No. of Laboratories. :- 4
  • No. of Lift elevator. :- 10
  • Total No of computers. :- 120
  • No. of Activity room. :- 20
  • School has clinic facilities ? :- No
  • School has Gymnasium ? :- No
  • Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- 120000
  • Total area of playground ? (sq) :- 15000
  • Total No. of Library ? :- 2
  • No. of Auditorium. :- 1
  • No. of Digital Classroom. :- 20
  • Total No. of Buses Owned. :- 25
  • Transport Facility :- Yes
Fee Details
  • Admission Fee :- 100000
  • Annual Fee :- 450000
  • Transport Fee :- 60000
  • Others Fee :- 50000
Vision and Leadership
School Vision


As a new era dawns in the history of the school, I pledge to carry forward the legacy of our Late Chairman Sardar Jaspal Singh Ji. It was his vision that has molded the school to be one of the top residential schools in the country. An educationist and visionary, his spirit shall continue to inspire us, and the bold initiatives taken by him shall benefit generations to come. Reminiscing about the history of this august institution which was founded on 23rd November 1969 in the memory of Guru Nanak Devji, on the historic occasion of his 500th Birth Anniversary celebrations. Let us take a brief moment to remember and honor our Founders Sardar Mehtab Singhji and Sardarni Jasbeer Kaur Ji (fondly addressed as Pitaji and Mataji) who made their dream of providing good quality career-oriented English medium education to children, come true. My message is simple. We have a great foundation based on Service, Spirit, Leadership, and Character. Our future is before us and our aspirations are strong. We are ready for a new beginning. Our success at the national level is a part of Late Sardar Jaspal Singhji’s dream. He had a simple yet powerful vision to make this school one of the best schools in the country. Today we are certainly close to that goal. Let his courage determination and positive spirit be a lesson to us all. We are committed to continuous improvement. Our standards are high. Because of the talent of our students and the good quality work of our faculty we have become a school to reckon with. Since its establishment, the school has made continuous efforts to realize its vision and mission to nurture ‘Lively, inquiring, discerning and creative students.’ The school rightly attaches importance to the pursuit of personal growth, aesthetic appreciation, positive outlook and tolerance for others as a priority. There are many definitions of education and there are many people who have expressed their views on it. To quote the Marquis of Halifax “Education is what remains after we have forgotten all that we learned in school.”His emphasis is on the civilizing and humanizing aspect, in other words, that of character formation. The necessity is to train the students in our millennial classrooms, for real-life situations. Therefore I identify four pillars of education as: Learning to Know Learning to do Learning to be Learning to live together Living together requires that we respect the rights and feelings of others. I am grateful to the members of the governing body for their confidence in me. I am indebted to my three predecessors for all that they have done for the school. Each one of them has generously given me advice, wisdom, and support. Today we mark new beginnings by gathering in solidarity, we commit ourselves to the welfare of GNFCS and all it represents in its new phase. The vision of our Late Chairman Jaspal Singh Ji is a compass to steer by. Let us embrace our responsibilities. Let us take up our work joyfully. GNFCS is purely an institution for Learning. Learning that transmits the heritage of the millennia. Learning that shapes the future. Dear children while I congratulate you for your achievements I wish that you would continue to do your best in every sphere, with perseverance, commitment, and enjoyment. May God Bless You All. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School
Sardarni Jasleen Kaur Ji
Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School
Mr. Anil Tewari

As a Principal of a school, I’ve had numerous occasions to address children in the morning assembly, classrooms, value education classes, workshops, and functions. These are ideal occasions for telling stories which appeal to children because of their immediacy and relevance. Real-life stories enliven the meaning and scope of character and character building. There are innumerable anecdotes of children who were obedient to their teachers and elders and eventually achieved success in life. I’ve also encouraged the children to read. The reading habit enhances the reader’s personality, transforming it into one that’s humane, benevolent and civilized. To quote our Late Chairman Sardar Jaspal Singhji, “There are two kinds of education, one which teaches you how to earn a living and the other which teaches you how to live.” We remember him with great reverence and pledge to carry forward his legacy. It was his vision that has developed GNFCS as a millennium school with modern infrastructure and state of the art facilities. We fondly remember and salute our founders respected Sardar Mehtab Singhji and Sardarni Jasbir Kaurji, but for whose dedication, devotion and dynamic leadership the school would not have been what it is today. Today the school nurtures the overall development of a child- mind-body and character in a technologically advanced and spiritual environment. It is a matter of great pride for the Management, Staff, and children of GNFC School to be placed among the top ten boys boarding schools in the Education World India School Rankings 2017-18. It is an incredible achievement would not be possible without the persistent efforts of our students, the dedication of our teachers and support of the school management. It prompts us to innovate, to enthuse, to enlighten and empower students. It also will give an impetus to the school to continue to maintain an excellent standard of providing quality education and curricular activities for its students, so as to achieve higher goals. As educators and school leaders, our core responsibility is to provide an environment that engages our students in learning. An environment for learning is the result of a culture for learning and such a culture is the result of everything we do, think and believe in. The learning environment we create and the educational experiences to which we expose children in the first five years of life have a huge impact, so it’s important that we get both rights. For many children school is often the first experience of being away from home, so the classroom becomes a new family. Keeping this in mind we at GNFCS create an atmosphere in which every learner is respected, loved and nurtured. The four emphases of our school curriculum plan are skill development, the development of traditional values, holistic care and the development of an international perspective. Future Plans; Curriculum Based On Skills Required: We are living in a global society. The world is interconnected. Collaborative learning is the need of time. Our duty is to provide an education that is useful to society. The school shall in its curriculum lay emphasis upon the need to develop the skills, attitudes, and values in children which will enable them to work together in any part of the world. Introduce a Flipped Classroom Approach and Project-based learning. Collaboration to improve teaching. Peer discussion and peer learning. Introduce paperless learning through Digital Tablets. Guidance Cell for selection of courses. The GNFCS Management very soon plans to set up a Teachers Training College in Mussoorie. The Bal Vidya Mandir affiliated to the Uttarakhand Education Board is a school for the children of our support staff and weaker sections of society. The school was founded by GNFCS Trust in 1992 as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. The school is presently running till class VI. From March 2018 onwards one class will be added each year to Bal Vidya Mandir till it becomes a High School. Each academic session begins with noble aspirations. As the curtain comes down on yet another academic year, it is with a sense of satisfaction that I admit that the year has been one of success and fulfillment. Before I conclude I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our new Chairperson Sardarni Jasleen Kaurji and the members of the governing body for their timely, invaluable and unwavering support. I am thankful to Mr. Sunil Bakshi the administrative officer for his unrelenting support, the teaching and administrative staff and the workers of the school who look after the students every day and night. I am grateful to our team of doctors Dr. Sunil Sanon and Dr (Mrs) Venu Sanon, our on the campus resident medical staff who ensure that children enjoy sound health. Our Good wishes and blessings are with the outgoing children of Class XII who I am sure shall forge ahead in life and bring honor to their families and be an asset for the society. May God Bless You All with happiness and success. With the blessings of the Almighty, GNFCS marches ahead to empower educated leaders in a digital age. Thank You.


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