About School
42+ years of teaching learning sharing & caring....... The epic voyage that DayawatiModi Academy embarked upon in 19 81, reads a great odyssey of sincere toil, perseverance persistent endeavours, endurance and faith of the deft and diligent hands that have worked concertedly over 41+ years to bring it to its presents glory and eminence. Spreading over an area of 7 acres with strength of more then 3200+ students and more than 180+ teachers, the Academy has been a proactive institution of learning with a blend of values, tradition, technology and above all, a quest for excellence. Attitude and perceptions affect our ability to learn and conducive learning environment at DMA fosters an ambience of community and collaboration; source and acceptance as well as joy and challenge. Shaping young impressionable minds is the toughest task in the hands of educationists. We need to synergize the combination of pedagogy and tools to empower our students to grow individuals with strong, open discerning and sensitive minds to be churned into global citizens. We at DMA implement a unique academic programme coupled with innovative teaching methodologies which encourage students to develop critical reasoning ability and learn through enquiry and reason, exchange ideas, develop key personal and social values, take ownership for individual choices and set goals to realize their unique potential. DMA strongly believes in continuous growth and never say no to openness, embedding its students in the Roots of Indian culture and providing them the Wings to explore the vast horizon of learning in pursuit of excellence. Wishing you all the best for a new academic year.
Additional Details
  • Minimum Entry Age :- 3
  • School Provide Meals ? :- No
  • Air condition Class ? :- No
  • CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
  • Day Boarding ? :- Yes
  • Teacher Student Ratio :- 1:30
  • Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 60
  • Total School Strength :- 3880
  • Average No of students per class :- 35
  • Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- N/A
  • Fire Safety :- No
  • School has Strong Room ? :- No
  • School has Wifi Enabled ? :- No
  • Total No. of Playground ? :- N/A
  • Total No. of Rooms ? :- N/A
  • No. of Laboratories. :- N/A
  • No. of Lift elevator. :- N/A
  • Total No of computers. :- N/A
  • No. of Activity room. :- N/A
  • School has clinic facilities ? :- No
  • School has Gymnasium ? :- No
  • Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- N/A
  • Total area of playground ? (sq) :- N/A
  • Total No. of Library ? :- N/A
  • No. of Auditorium. :- N/A
  • No. of Digital Classroom. :- N/A
  • Total No. of Buses Owned. :- N/A
  • Transport Facility :- Yes
Fee Details
  • Admission Fee :- ₹ 11000
  • Annual Fee :- ₹ 90000
  • Transport Fee :- ₹ 1500
  • Others Fee :- ₹ 78360
Vision and Leadership
School Vision

Institution of learning with a conducive environment nurturing the growth of an Overall Personality imbued with the Right Value System to develop responsible, thinking, sensitive, global citizens


Man, the unique creation of God, though enclosed in and manifested through the three fold cell of the body, mind and intellect, has a transcendental existence which is his ‘Spirit’ or ‘Self’. So, the object of education should be to help man in simultaneous development of all his faculties – Physical, Mental, Intellectual and Spiritual. The higher self in a man actuates him to bridle and finally conquer his animal of baser self and lead to an ideal life dedicated to the service of the society, for progress, peace and welfare. Education should strengthen man to discover and have his higher self, to cultivate that bent of mind – that attitude of reason – which makes a man responsible citizen and help, the balanced growth of the individual and enables him to lead a good life. DMA - I, a premier institute of Western U.P. has been relentlessly working for the last 35 years to cater to the needs of the future citizens of our great Nation by providing them a favourable, inspiring and ennobling atmosphere, fortifying their intellectual, moral, aesthetic and practical capabilities and chiselling them into human beings possessing a high sense of character and integrity. May the Almighty shower His choicest blessing on DMA – I, so that it may successfully continue its noble cause to ignite the mind of the youngsters.

Dayawati Modi Academy
Chairman V.K. MODI
Dayawati Modi Academy

"The great end of education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to train it to the use of its own power rather than fill it with the accumulation of others" - Tryon Edward The Academy strives for excellence in all walks of child education and hence offers a comprehensive package of activities in its gamut to draw out the best potential. Every child is endowed with creativity and inborn talent. These inherent intrinsic qualities are best tapped through the multifarious and myriad opportunities provided to them. The school also focuses on such comprehensive educational system that fortifies the tender minds into progressive, tech - savvy yet rooted in our rich cultural heritage, individuals. May the Academy continue its exhilarating journey towards Excellence. In this fast paced world, the role of education becomes very crucial as it requires to mould a child into an individual capable of contributing by effectively not only to society but also to the world community at large. Children today must taught to think than merly to remember facts. Education os soul of society that passes from one generation to another.


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