Green Land Convent School
Green Land Convent School, Phase 2, Duggri, Urban Estate Dugri,Ludhiana , Punjab, IndiaNursery - xii
About School
Additional Details
- Minimum Entry Age :- 3
- School Provide Meals ? :- N/A
- Air condition Class ? :- N/A
- CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
- Day Boarding ? :- Yes
- Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
- Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 60
- Total School Strength :- 2200
- Average No of students per class :- 60
- Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- 80
- Fire Safety :- Yes
- School has Strong Room ? :- Yes
- School has Wifi Enabled ? :- N/A
- Total No. of Playground ? :- 2
- Total No. of Rooms ? :- 70
- No. of Laboratories. :- 4
- No. of Lift elevator. :- 10
- Total No of computers. :- 120
- No. of Activity room. :- 15
- School has clinic facilities ? :- N/A
- School has Gymnasium ? :- N/A
- Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- 85000
- Total area of playground ? (sq) :- 20000
- Total No. of Library ? :- 2
- No. of Auditorium. :- 2
- No. of Digital Classroom. :- 15
- Total No. of Buses Owned. :- 20
- Transport Facility :- Yes
Fee Details
- Admission Fee :- 30000
- Annual Fee :- 140000
- Transport Fee :- 20000
- Others Fee :- 15000
Vision and Leadership
School Vision
Vision & Mission Our aim is not just completion of syllabus; putting across facts to students and help them score good marks. Our true aim is preparation for life, to embalm the wounds of shrieking humanity, to wipe out the tears of less fortunate and to fight against the social evils with unflinching fortitude. To set an example of selfless service towards humanity, 100 poor students are provided free education in various branches of Green Land. After a span of 20 years of its inception, Chain of Green Land Schools is providing quality education to 10,000 students. The school buildings have best infrastructure with all the modern facilities, school grounds and Computer labs. Sports are promoted by giving free education to the promising sports persons. The Chain of Green Land School also has an International status as it is also affiliated to different boards and universities of UK, Australia and Canada.
“Nothing ever built arose to touch the skies, unless someone dreamt that it should, believed that it could and Almighty willed that it must.” Green Land is like a vessel carrying the cargo of my life’s best treasure. Since, the inception of Green Land Sr. Sec. Public School, G.T Road, Ludhiana in 1992, I have always tried my best to combine academic excellence with the inner enfoldment of the student’s personality.