The Gurukul Foundation School
The Gurukul Foundation School, Hempur Ismail, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand 244713, IndiaNursery - x
About School
Additional Details
- Minimum Entry Age :- 3
- School Provide Meals ? :- Yes
- Air condition Class ? :- N/A
- CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
- Day Boarding ? :- Yes
- Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
- Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 50
- Total School Strength :- 1200
- Average No of students per class :- 50
- Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- 40
- Fire Safety :- Yes
- School has Strong Room ? :- Yes
- School has Wifi Enabled ? :- N/A
- Total No. of Playground ? :- 1
- Total No. of Rooms ? :- 80
- No. of Laboratories. :- 4
- No. of Lift elevator. :- 6
- Total No of computers. :- 80
- No. of Activity room. :- 10
- School has clinic facilities ? :- N/A
- School has Gymnasium ? :- N/A
- Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- 85000
- Total area of playground ? (sq) :- 12500
- Total No. of Library ? :- 1
- No. of Auditorium. :- 1
- No. of Digital Classroom. :- 10
- Total No. of Buses Owned. :- 15
- Transport Facility :- Yes
Fee Details
- Admission Fee :- 35000
- Annual Fee :- 275000
- Transport Fee :- 30000
- Others Fee :- 20000
Vision and Leadership
School Vision
To make the institution a model, a heritage site of knowledge, a temple of learning, a monument – which people can come back to… even after years of existence.
Inspired by the strong words of Swami Vivekananda, “We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet.” This institution of excellence provides a unique opportunity for all round development. We endeavour to see that our students acquire a broad range of skills, love of wisdom, tolerance and respect for the beliefs of others and basic values of truth and honesty. 'Temple of Learning' - The Gurukul has aspirations to make children good human beings to build a Responsible Generation for a New Nation and be a part in rebuilding India of Swamiji's dreams.
Mrs. Vasudha Kapoor
Mrs. Anshu Kumar
Dear Students, Parents and Colleagues, I am happy to become a part of The Gurukul family and am touched by the warm welcome extended by the Chairman Sir, Director Ma’am, all my colleagues, students and parents. While my background in teaching, training goes back to twenty two years yet I feel I am an ever evolving student. I am always looking to learn and create an environment which will nurture the needs of each student and staff member. I would be my endeavor to lead the school using the ‘e3b equation’ which revolves around innovation. Examine our current condition. Explore opportunities to improve student experience in academics and extra-curricular activities. Engage all the appropriate personnel in a consensus decision for improvement. Benchmark the results with data using a pre-defined standard.Looking at the near future I will encourage collaboration from the school community to enhance the infrastructure with the main focus on the teaching and learning environment. I will remain committed to the standards already in place but will steer them towards innovation leading to the success of our students and staff.