Euro School Yelahanka
Euro School, Hobli, Srinivaspur, Bengaluru, Karnataka, IndiaLKG - xii
About School
Additional Details
- Minimum Entry Age :- 3
- School Provide Meals ? :- No
- Air condition Class ? :- No
- CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
- Day Boarding ? :- Yes
- Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
- Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 30
- Total School Strength :- 1453
- Average No of students per class :- 35
- Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- N/A
- Fire Safety :- No
- School has Strong Room ? :- No
- School has Wifi Enabled ? :- No
- Total No. of Playground ? :- N/A
- Total No. of Rooms ? :- N/A
- No. of Laboratories. :- N/A
- No. of Lift elevator. :- N/A
- Total No of computers. :- N/A
- No. of Activity room. :- N/A
- School has clinic facilities ? :- No
- School has Gymnasium ? :- No
- Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- N/A
- Total area of playground ? (sq) :- N/A
- Total No. of Library ? :- N/A
- No. of Auditorium. :- N/A
- No. of Digital Classroom. :- N/A
- Total No. of Buses Owned. :- N/A
- Transport Facility :- Yes
Admission Details
- Admission Process :- Offline/Onlinr
- Start Date :- 2023-03-01
- Facility to do online admission process :- Yes
- Admission Open :- NO
- End Date :- 2023-04-30
- Facilty to Pay admission fee online :- Yes
- Admission Page Link :-
Fee Details
- Admission Fee :- N/A
- Annual Fee :- ₹ 80000
- Transport Fee :- N/A
- Others Fee :- N/A
Vision and Leadership
School Vision
Dr. Vandana Gupta
'Teachers are the candles that light up the confidence in young children to transform their vision into reality. No matter what path they choose in life or which route they take, the confidence to conquer will always help them reach their destination!' 'At Euroschool Yelahanka, we provide the children a wide platform to blossom into the person they were born to be. Whether they have the arms of a sportsman, the grace of an artist or the brains of an intellectual or the heart of a philanthropist, we make sure, when they look into the mirror, they not just see a face, but also the purpose of that face!'