About School
FR. AGNEL SCHOOL, SECTOR-62, NOIDA IS A FUTURISTIC SCHOOL In the present environment, the children are going to make a big difference in the way things happen because of their immense influence in the Society at large. Fr. Agnel School at Noida will be a Green School, which is a unique feature that is being adopted to train children in the conservation and care of the environment. Rain water is being harvested for replenishing underground water level Plastic bags will be completely out of bounds and water heating is done by solar energy alone. This is an advanced conservation measure and will bring the school students face to face with the hard realities of education for life which is the most important thing students learn during the school years because much that is learnt from books will be supplemented with higher learning, only values being permanent and lasting. Fr. Agnel School children will be pro-active in the field of conservation, social concerns and the future of our earth.
Additional Details
  • Minimum Entry Age :- 3
  • School Provide Meals ? :- No
  • Air condition Class ? :- N/A
  • CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
  • Day Boarding ? :- Yes
  • Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
  • Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 65
  • Total School Strength :- 2200
  • Average No of students per class :- 65
  • Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- 75
  • Fire Safety :- Yes
  • School has Strong Room ? :- Yes
  • School has Wifi Enabled ? :- N/A
  • Total No. of Playground ? :- 2
  • Total No. of Rooms ? :- 80
  • No. of Laboratories. :- 4
  • No. of Lift elevator. :- 6
  • Total No of computers. :- 85
  • No. of Activity room. :- 10
  • School has clinic facilities ? :- No
  • School has Gymnasium ? :- No
  • Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- 85000
  • Total area of playground ? (sq) :- 12500
  • Total No. of Library ? :- 2
  • No. of Auditorium. :- 1
  • No. of Digital Classroom. :- 10
  • Total No. of Buses Owned. :- 15
  • Transport Facility :- Yes
Admission Details
  • Admission Process :- Online / Offline
  • Start Date :- 2023-03-01
  • Facility to do online admission process :- Yes
  • Admission Open :- Yes
  • End Date :- 2023-04-30
  • Facilty to Pay admission fee online :- Yes
  • Admission Page Link :-
Fee Details
  • Admission Fee :- 35000
  • Annual Fee :- 212000
  • Transport Fee :- 30000
  • Others Fee :- 20000
Vision and Leadership
School Vision

FR. AGNEL SCHOOL ( Fr. stands for Father) is a Catholic School, under Article 30 # 1, of the Constitution of India, established to promote the education of the Christian community and its values with access to all regardless of community, caste or creed. Our core belief is to spread the message that Jesus Christ, gave to the world : ‘ Our God is a God of love; God loves everyone; therefore you must ‘ Love Your Neighbor as Yourself’ , which indeed is the guiding force of our Schools. Learning to respect and love everyone, regardless of community, caste or creed is a core belief. Coupled with the School Logo ‘ Brave Minds and Big Hearts ’ , we have that potent combination that gives each Agnelite the power to reach out to others as one’s own, and the joy that urges you to fly beyond the frontiers of your imagination. Our perspective of education will therefore always be guided by that objective, to love everyone and in our perspective of education is to build a better India where every child has access to good education to grow up to become a man or a woman with a sense of purpose, dignity and a commitment to contribute to the society he or she belongs to. The School is s known after Father Agnelo D’Souza, a saintly Christian priest who in the 2oth. Century lived in Goa, and lived a holy life that was a remarkable example of a life lived for God and the service of the people.


We are eagerly waiting for the pall of fear and uncertainty, that has kept us under its spell for a whole year, to fade, and give way to normalcy. The pandemic, something that we wish we never had, taught us some unlikely lessons. The two most important: the limitedness of our human mind and the power of resilience. Both in their own right, imply some of the fundamental factors that define human life and its challenging nature which sometimes defies our understanding, yet shows us, there is always, a winning way out. Covid – 19, was the unlikeliest of an uninvited alien who gate crashed into our homes, schools, factories, streets, offices and the world around us. Normally alien invasions are fought with weapons of war or scientific weapons, medicines. In this however, both were powerless therefore useless. There was only one weapon that worked – RESILIENCE. Resilience is the power you have inside you to constantly adapt to new and challenging situations, to resist the assault or to build your own offense mechanism, and continue to go on. This is the only verifiable element in the Universe that has led to the survival of life in it. Without it, this world as it is today, would not have survived at all. From the Amoeba to the Titanosaurus ( huge dinosaur that could have weighed upto 100 tons), from the tiniest of lichens to the biggest Baobab tree (with trunks upto to 30 feet), the history of survival only speaks of resilience. Each of them is a story of resilience or the lack of it. For any tree to survive, it needs to remain grounded, have the capacity of store enough water to survive, and be stiff enough to withstand raging winds and sand storms or be flexible enough to trick the same and reproduce. For any animal to survive, it must be able to brave the weather, ensure its food supply and defend itself against attacks and reproduce. Resilience is the art of survival, to stay standing, hold your ground and go ahead in spite of odds. People often describe this as courage, but courage is in fact the stuff of resilience. Even when you are confronted with an enemy or a situation where you either fight or take flight, the choice is the result of your inner resilience. Resilience requires that one is rooted, grounded – which in other words, means that one carves for himself (herself) a sum total of beliefs, personal strengths (ego), relationships and knowledge that allow him or her to keep going in spite of odds to the contrary, however seemingly unsurmountable. When one is struck with tragedy, irreparable loss, human or of means, such that it is humanly impossible for an observer to understand, there is a variety of response types: some give up, others fight their way out in poverty and deprivation, pain and being alone (not lonely), and still live apparently decent lives or even others who come out even more glorious. The essential reason for this mysterious variety of outcomes, is resilience or lack of it. Being grounded also means being anchored in a belief system ( set of convictions) that internally make a person, struck with tragedy or seemingly unbearable situation - stay standing, as by a force that is holding him (her) there in a space of his (her) own, however small it may be. This anchoring implies a real, or understood as real Someone/Something, whose power is considered higher than the sum total of the elements that pull him (her) down, drown him (her) or render him (her) helpless. Any ‘other’ may not understand how that individual apparently frail, uneducated, helpless, is still holding on. Obviously everything that humanly could help him (her) do so, either is lost or does not exist – so how does it happen? Superhuman Resilience is the power of connectedness with Someone/Something beyond the visible and the tangible – the Power of you, that one’s belief in the Divine Power provides and sustains him, with the sense of calm in the midst of storm, the sense of unattachment in spite of the all the material losses; this in fact is the true experience of oneself, minus all the paraphernalia of wealth, of wellbeing, of companionship and of social security. Ultimate resilience, and the ability to stand up against all odds – is the triumph of the human spirit, one that cannot be simply described by the sum total of elements of our intellectual, emotional and social strengths – but rather beyond all those. One of the most important challenges of the parents and teachers today, in a fast fluid world is to provide the kids the anchor they need – the pivot where their life’s dreams and pursuits can be duly anchored which at the same time will provide the kids the wings to fly and the wind beneath their wings! This indeed can turn every child’s dream into a reality, because it will allow your children and yourselves to be always on the top, since you are anchored on a Pivot that will keep you safely tethered where you want to belong!

Fr Agnel School
Fr. J. A. Carvalho
Fr Agnel School
Alistair R A Freese

Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation….. It is my pleasure and privilege to address you for the first time as your Principal. I view education as a life-long process and expect that I will continue to learn much about the uniqueness of Father Agnel School this year and in the years to come. Most importantly, I bring a belief that students are at the center of all school-related decisions. I am excited to unite my experience, my openness to learn, and my child-centered approach to support our students. Our school has an outstanding reputation, and I am proud to be part of such a wonderful community. Father Agnel School is filled with enthusiastic students willing to learn, supportive families interested in their children's education, and a dedicated professional staff committed to providing the students with the highest quality education. We hope to produce young men and women who are happy, resilient, confident and ready for any challenges that may come their way. The Institution is a vibrant place of learning and personal growth. We expect students to do their personal best, invest efforts into their learning and take up opportunities that arise to showcase their talents, explore their interests, and continually develop new knowledge and skills. We believe in educating the whole child focusing on academic, social, and emotional growth. We would like to encourage each family to stay active in your child's education. We certainly realize that many of you lead busy lives. However, taking just a few minutes in the evening to read to your child, talk with your child about school, or simply see that your child is organized for the next school day can have great benefits. Education is a partnership between the school and the home, and we are fully vested in partnering with families to make sure each child reaches their full potential. We have always had wonderful family participation, and we look forward to continuing in this tradition. God bless each one of you!


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