About School
It is a matter of pride for the CCA School fraternity that we complete four decades in the field of educationsince establishment on 27th March 1981. Our students have done us proud by excelling in their respective chosen fields and made a mark at National &International arena. They are in the Guinness Book of World Records, Forbes Magazine of business professionals and even at a NASA School of Econonics. They are at almost every envisagable profession as Doctors, Engineers, Defence Personnel, Judges, IAS Officers, Educationists, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Media Professionals, Theatre artists etc. As also in various new-age professions like Chefs, Media Professionals, Journalists, Bakers, Groomers, Lifestyle Coaches, to name a few. The school too has touched many reputable landmark achievements by being in the Top 100 schools of India Twice and rated in Top Ten as Best Schools for Career Guidance. The average of entire class in CBSE Board Exams of Classes X and XII now hovers at a level of 85%, which is most laudable. The spoken reputation in Gurgaon gets enhanced further when our alumni repose their trust in their Alma Mater and bring their little toddlers to be educated at CCASchool by our loving Faculty. The school has always been Future Ready to meet new challenges. Covid Year did not hinder our resolve to follow our Annual Calendar in conducting various events and competitions along with seamless academic schedule right from Kindergarten to the senior classes. Our performance to date is the harbinger of Better Days to comeand achieve much greater heights of Glory by our students. Your support and our partnership will ensure that our children will be sharp, intelligent, happy, healthy, honest, loving, caring, kind and humble human beings to do our country proud as respectable, upright and successful citizens.
Additional Details
  • Minimum Entry Age :- 3
  • School Provide Meals ? :- N/A
  • Air condition Class ? :- No
  • CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
  • Day Boarding ? :- Yes
  • Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
  • Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 65
  • Total School Strength :- 2500
  • Average No of students per class :- 60
  • Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- 56
  • Fire Safety :- Yes
  • School has Strong Room ? :- Yes
  • School has Wifi Enabled ? :- N/A
  • Total No. of Playground ? :- 1
  • Total No. of Rooms ? :- 55
  • No. of Laboratories. :- 4
  • No. of Lift elevator. :- 1
  • Total No of computers. :- 52
  • No. of Activity room. :- 5
  • School has clinic facilities ? :- No
  • School has Gymnasium ? :- No
  • Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- 30000
  • Total area of playground ? (sq) :- 3000
  • Total No. of Library ? :- 1
  • No. of Auditorium. :- 1
  • No. of Digital Classroom. :- 2
  • Total No. of Buses Owned. :- 15
  • Transport Facility :- Yes
Admission Details
  • Admission Process :- Online / Offline
  • Start Date :- 2023-03-01
  • Facility to do online admission process :- Yes
  • Admission Open :- Yes
  • End Date :- 2023-04-30
  • Facilty to Pay admission fee online :- Yes
  • Admission Page Link :-
Fee Details
  • Admission Fee :- 80000
  • Annual Fee :- 250000
  • Transport Fee :- 20000
  • Others Fee :- 30000
Vision and Leadership
School Vision

We the CCA School community declare our commitment to provide educational experience of quality that enable our students to learn share and succeed. Contribution of parents, the Civil Administration, Industrial Organization, Educational and Sports Development and Ministries are vital in our effort to have our students become life long learners, who take pride in their work, the country and in service of others. We therefore endeavor to continuously improve the quality of our work in education system.


It is a matter of pride for the CCA School fraternity that we complete four decades in the field of educationsince establishment on 27th March 1981. Our students have done us proud by excelling in their respective chosen fields and made a mark at National &International arena. They are in the Guinness Book of World Records, Forbes Magazine of business professionals and even at a NASA School of Econonics. They are at almost every envisagable profession as Doctors, Engineers, Defence Personnel, Judges, IAS Officers, Educationists, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Media Professionals, Theatre artists etc. As also in various new-age professions like Chefs, Media Professionals, Journalists, Bakers, Groomers, Lifestyle Coaches, to name a few. The school too has touched many reputable landmark achievements by being in the Top 100 schools of India Twice and rated in Top Ten as Best Schools for Career Guidance. The average of entire class in CBSE Board Exams of Classes X and XII now hovers at a level of 85%, which is most laudable. The spoken reputation in Gurgaon gets enhanced further when our alumni repose their trust in their Alma Mater and bring their little toddlers to be educated at CCASchool by our loving Faculty. The school has always been Future Ready to meet new challenges. Covid Year did not hinder our resolve to follow our Annual Calendar in conducting various events and competitions along with seamless academic schedule right from Kindergarten to the senior classes. Our performance to date is the harbinger of Better Days to comeand achieve much greater heights of Glory by our students. Your support and our partnership will ensure that our children will be sharp, intelligent, happy, healthy, honest, loving, caring, kind and humble human beings to do our country proud as respectable, upright and successful citizens.

Colonel's Central Academy
Col. Kr. Pratap Singh
Colonel's Central Academy
Mrs. Nirmal Yadav

March 2021 sees our CCA School completing 40 years and it has been indeed a journey of success, overcoming obstacles, striving for excellence, seeing students shine in various careers as successful human beings. Year 2020 had been tough on humankind across the world but we have come out of it. Our resilience, innovativeness and flexibility fought and defeated the Pandemic. You students along with teachers deserve all praise for carrying on learning on many platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet etc. admirably. Except for the physical presence in school, you participated in all activities, did projects and assignments, had Quiz, Dance, Song, Painting, Poetry, Declamation Contests. No subject was left behind. It was also a time for introspection and to know ourselves. We learned to be more disciplined and true to ourselves. You students behaved responsibly and tried to learn online diligently and also did your tests with honesty. We had New Ideas, Adaptability, New Skills, Time to Ponder, New Learnings, Sustainability, More Joy in Less and emerged stronger to combat the Covid. Continue with the new learningsand good things we imbibed. We must now move ahead in this year with renewed vigor, optimism and hope, taking firm steps towards a brighter future. The Covid has taught us to be more considerate of others, to be at peace with nature and live in harmony with the environment. Dear students, let us all strive and work for a better, peaceful and kinder world. We are sure, you students and many after you too, will continue to have a glorious future carrying the CCA Flag flying high, bringing happiness to your family & society; besides making a difference for the better as global citizens.


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