Sks International School
SKS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Indore Metropolis Rd, Rau, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaNursery - xii
About School
Additional Details
- Minimum Entry Age :- 3
- School Provide Meals ? :- No
- Air condition Class ? :- N/A
- CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
- Day Boarding ? :- Yes
- Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
- Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 60
- Total School Strength :- 2000
- Average No of students per class :- 60
- Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- 80
- Fire Safety :- Yes
- School has Strong Room ? :- Yes
- School has Wifi Enabled ? :- N/A
- Total No. of Playground ? :- 1
- Total No. of Rooms ? :- 50
- No. of Laboratories. :- 5
- No. of Lift elevator. :- 2
- Total No of computers. :- 70
- No. of Activity room. :- 8
- School has clinic facilities ? :- No
- School has Gymnasium ? :- N/A
- Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- 95000
- Total area of playground ? (sq) :- 18000
- Total No. of Library ? :- 2
- No. of Auditorium. :- 1
- No. of Digital Classroom. :- 10
- Total No. of Buses Owned. :- 5
- Transport Facility :- Yes
Fee Details
- Admission Fee :- 15000
- Annual Fee :- 55000
- Transport Fee :- 18000
- Others Fee :- 8000
Vision and Leadership
School Vision
To be most efficient school by transforming students in to the masters of life, by deep analysis & exploring new ideas to make them conscientious human beings to contribute in the progress of their family, country and of course the whole world. We have dreamt of great future & very sincerely will create the makers of it.
Well nurtured childhood & ideal schooling construct a solid foundation for successful career, SKS International School nourishes childhood by holistic education, world class infrastructure, contemporary amenities, global awareness & disciplined guidance so that children can achieve "Freedom of Success" instead of "Dependence on Success". In today's cut-throat competitive age, parents are always in search of 'A world class School' in their budget, which imparts fertile environment & fruitful education to build a bright future of their child. Usually parents find either academic education oriented schools or conventional schools. Some Schools do exist with good education and essential amenities but due to high fees structure they have always been unreachable. Whenever I use to think about school education, I always felt a big need of a complete school in Indore with high standard infrastructure which comprises innovative academic education & all ultra-modern amenities. I am proud that my dream has taken shape today in the form of SKS International School, the place to explore various and advanced facets of education, where every student gets right environment, proper guidance, moral support and a direction towards the goal of life. SKS International School is determined to provide complete education to students for enabling them to harness challenges of globalized world & be the winners at each front of career and life. With all good wishes...
Smt. Chanda Sisodia
Ms.Reena Singh
Dear Parents, It is with great pleasure and a wonderful sense of anticipation and with great pleasure I welcome you, as part of our SKS, International School educational family, to wonderful school year ahead.I Prof. Ms. Akanksha Ritesh(M.A,M-Ed,PGDBM,MBA,Ph.D*) joined on 15, September, 2012. Our professional goals this first year now onwards will include: especially on (Knowledge, Skill and Attitude Development (KSA) Activities for the whole year as essential part of Curriculum. The continuation of our efforts will also be focused on to differentiate instruction at each grade level to meet all students at their point of need and to challenge students to reach their potential and know what their goals are.We are previewing instructional materials for use in our educational programs. Academic emphasis will be on the core content areas of reading, language arts, science, social studies and math will remain a priority as well as instruction in the arts, technology, and physical education providing each student with the opportunity to develop skills in these areas.Our focus will also target to provide each child with new challenges that will result in a rewarding school experience. I would like focus diligently with parents and faculty to foster an atmosphere that promotes a learning community characterized by child centered instruction and decisions, academic excellence, trust, respect, community involvement, excellent communications, and recognition of both student and staff achievement. Working together as a team we will move forward in our mission this new school year to create a nurturing, disciplined, and challenging environment in which all students can learn at optimum levels and become responsible members of society We look forward to forging strong and lasting relationships with you as together we support your children on their early life-journey at SKS, International School.