Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Vidyalaya
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Public School, Vineet Khand 6, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaNursery - xii
About School
Additional Details
- Minimum Entry Age :- 3
- School Provide Meals ? :- Yes
- Air condition Class ? :- No
- CCTV Surveillance ? :- Yes
- Day Boarding ? :- Yes
- Teacher Student Ratio :- N/A
- Total Seats at Entry Level Grade :- 65
- Total School Strength :- 1400
- Average No of students per class :- 25
- Total No. of Teachers (All Class) :- 70
Building & Infrastructure
- Fire Safety :- Yes
- School has Strong Room ? :- Yes
- School has Wifi Enabled ? :- Yes
- Total No. of Playground ? :- 1
- Total No. of Rooms ? :- 60
- No. of Laboratories. :- 4
- No. of Lift elevator. :- 1
- Total No of computers. :- 100
- No. of Activity room. :- 2
- School has clinic facilities ? :- No
- School has Gymnasium ? :- No
- Total Area of School ? (Sq) :- 30000
- Total area of playground ? (sq) :- 3000
- Total No. of Library ? :- 1
- No. of Auditorium. :- 1
- No. of Digital Classroom. :- 2
- Total No. of Buses Owned. :- 15
- Transport Facility :- Yes
Fee Details
- Admission Fee :- ₹ 6000
- Annual Fee :- ₹ 36600
- Transport Fee :- ₹ 12000
- Others Fee :- ₹ 30000
Vision and Leadership
School Vision
The School has been designed with the following objectives in view. To develop the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual capabilities of children. To inculcate a sense of discipline, social responsibility and self-reliance in consonance with our culture and tradition. To inspire love and reverence for ethical values and building of character to enable the students to meet the challenges of the present times without jeopardizing the basic values. To safeguard young minds against the negative influences of materialism and consumerism which lead to degeneration of morals and character. To create a sense of pride in our rich cultural heritage and national integrity. To enable students to choose a vocation best suited to their aptitudes in order to compete successfully in the modern world and face the future confidently. The School provides modern education with special emphasis on moral and ethical instruction as well as physical education nurturing character-building, tolerance and cooperation. Students are given training in games and sports including Cricket, Football, Hockey, Volley ball, Basket Ball, Badminton and Table Tennis. There is regular P.T. and special training in Yoga, Judo & Karate. The abilities and capacities of children for self expression and self reliance are developed through a variety of co-curricular activities such as debates, elocution drama, creative writing, composition of project, music, dance, arts and crafts.
The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Public School, was established in 1991. Affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi , It is a Senior Secondary School from Nursery Standard XII.