The Delhi Directorate of Education (DoE) has urged the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to revoke land allotments for 101 societies running nursery schools. In response to non-compliance with admission policies for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) students, the Delhi Directorate of Education (DoE) has asked the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to cancel land allotments for 101 societies operating nursery schools. The DDA had initially allotted 176 sites in 2017, with the condition that 25% of admissions should be from the EWS category. A recent affidavit by the DoE to the Delhi High Court revealed that inspections in 2018 and 2019 found 39 schools violating EWS criteria and six schools were untraceable. The DoE has requested the DDA to transfer these sites for use by government schools. This development follows a 2013 court case and subsequent orders to ensure compliance with EWS admission norms.

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